bsµqu mhlw 3 iekquky ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw ie`k-quky
basanth mehalaa 3 eik thukae ||
Basant, Third Mehl, Ik-Tukas:
qyrw kIAw ikrm jµqu ]
thaeraa keeaa kiram janth ||
I am just a worm, created by You, O Lord.
dyih q jwpI Awid mMqu ]1]
dhaehi th jaapee aadh manth ||1||
If you bless me, then I chant Your Primal Mantra. ||1||
gux AwiK vIcwrI myrI mwie ]
gun aakh veechaaree maeree maae ||
I chant and reflect on His Glorious Virtues, O my mother.
hir jip hir kY lgau pwie ]1] rhwau ]
har jap har kai lago paae ||1|| rehaao ||
Meditating on the Lord, I fall at the Lord's Feet. ||1||Pause||
gurpRswid lwgy nwm suAwid ]
gur prasaadh laagae naam suaadh ||
By Guru's Grace, I am addicted to the favor of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
kwhy jnmu gvwvhu vYir vwid ]2]
kaahae janam gavaavahu vair vaadh ||2||
Why waste your life in hatred, vengeance and conflict? ||2||
guir ikrpw kInI cUkw AiBmwnu ]
gur kirapaa keenhee chookaa abhimaan ||
When the Guru granted His Grace, my egotism was eradicated,
shj Bwie pwieAw hir nwmu ]3]
sehaj bhaae paaeiaa har naam ||3||
And then, I obtained the Lord's Name with intuitive ease. ||3||
aUqmu aUcw sbd kwmu ]
ootham oochaa sabadh kaam ||
The most lofty and exalted occupation is to contemplate the Word of the Shabad.
nwnku vKwxY swcu nwmu ]4]13]
naanak vakhaanai saach naam ||4||1||13||
Nanak chants the True Name. ||4||1||13||