SGGSAng 476Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio19 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


bwip idlwsw myro kIn@w ]

baap dhilaasaa maero keenhaa ||

My Father has comforted me. He has given me a cozy bed,

syj suKwlI muiK AMimRqu dIn@w ]

saej sukhaalee mukh anmrith dheenhaa ||

And placed His Ambrosial Nectar in my mouth.

iqsu bwp kau ikau mnhu ivswrI ]

this baap ko kio manahu visaaree ||

How could I forget that Father from my mind?

AwgY gieAw n bwjI hwrI ]1]

aagai gaeiaa n baajee haaree ||1||

When I go to the world hereafter, I shall not lose the game. ||1||

mueI myrI mweI hau Krw suKwlw ]

aucwrx mueI: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUeI)

muee maeree maaee ho kharaa sukhaalaa ||

Maya is dead, O mother, and I am very happy.

pihrau nhI dglI lgY n pwlw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx dglI: polw bolo

pehiro nehee dhagalee lagai n paalaa ||1|| rehaao ||

I do not wear the patched coat, nor do I feel the chill. ||1||Pause||

bil iqsu bwpY ijin hau jwieAw ]

bal this baapai jin ho jaaeiaa ||

I am a sacrifice to my Father, who gave me life.

pMcw qy myrw sMgu cukwieAw ]

panchaa thae maeraa sang chukaaeiaa ||

He put an end to my association with the five deadly sins.

pMc mwir pwvw qil dIny ]

aucwrx pwvw: polw bolo

panch maar paavaa thal dheenae ||

I have conquered those five demons, and trampled them underfoot.

hir ismrin myrw mnu qnu BIny ]2]

har simaran maeraa man than bheenae ||2||

Remembering the Lord in meditation, my mind and body are drenched with His Love. ||2||

ipqw hmwro vf gosweI ]

pithaa hamaaro vadd gosaaee ||

My Father is the Great Lord of the Universe.

iqsu ipqw pih hau ikau kir jweI ]

this pithaa pehi ho kio kar jaaee ||

How shall I go to that Father?

siqgur imly q mwrgu idKwieAw ]

sathigur milae th maarag dhikhaaeiaa ||

When I met the True Guru, He showed me the Way.

jgq ipqw myrY min BwieAw ]3]

jagath pithaa maerai man bhaaeiaa ||3||

The Father of the Universe is pleasing to my mind. ||3||

hau pUqu qyrw qUµ bwpu myrw ]

ho pooth thaeraa thoon baap maeraa ||

I am Your son, and You are my Father.

eykY Twhr duhw bsyrw ]

aucwrx duhw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: dohw, dUhw)

eaekai thaahar dhuhaa basaeraa ||

We both dwell in the same place.

khu kbIr jin eyko bUiJAw ]

aucwrx bU`iJAw

kahu kabeer jan eaeko boojhiaa ||

Says Kabeer, the Lord's humble servant knows only the One.

gurpRswid mY sBu ikCu sUiJAw ]4]3]

gur prasaadh mai sabh kishh soojhiaa ||4||3||

By Guru's Grace, I have come to know everything. ||4||3||