Awsw ]
aasaa ||
iekqu pqir Bir aurkt kurkt iekqu pqir Bir pwnI ]
aucwrx aur-kt; kur-kt
eikath pathar bhar ourakatt kurakatt eikath pathar bhar paanee ||
In one pot, they put a boiled chicken, and in the other pot, they put wine.
Awis pwis pMc jogIAw bYTy bIic nkt dy rwnI ]1]
aucwrx nkt: polw bolo
aas paas panch jogeeaa baithae beech nakatt dhae raanee ||1||
The five Yogis of the Tantric ritual sit there, and in their midst sits the noseless one, the shameless queen. ||1||
nktI ko Tngnu bwfw fUµ ]
aucwrx nk-tI
nakattee ko thanagan baaddaa ddoon ||
The bell of the shameless queen, Maya, rings in both worlds.
iknih ibbykI kwtI qUµ ]1] rhwau ]
kinehi bibaekee kaattee thoon ||1|| rehaao ||
Some rare person of discriminating wisdom has cut off your nose. ||1||Pause||
sgl mwih nktI kw vwsw sgl mwir Aau hyrI ]
aucwrx nk-tI
sagal maahi nakattee kaa vaasaa sagal maar aouhaeree ||
Within all dwells the noseless Maya, who kills all, and destroys them.
sgilAw kI hau bihn BwnjI ijnih brI iqsu cyrI ]2]
sagaliaa kee ho behin bhaanajee jinehi baree this chaeree ||2||
She says, “I am the sister, and the daughter of the sister of everyone; I am the hand-maiden of one who marries me.”||2||
hmro Brqw bfo ibbykI Awpy sMqu khwvY ]
hamaro bharathaa baddo bibaekee aapae santh kehaavai ||
My Husband is the Great One of discriminating wisdom; He alone is called a Saint.
Ehu hmwrY mwQY kwiemu Aauru hmrY inkit n AwvY ]3]
ouhu hamaarai maathhai kaaeim aour hamarai nikatt n aavai ||3||
He stands by me, and no one else comes near me. ||3||
nwkhu kwtI kwnhu kwtI kwit kUit kY fwrI ]
naakahu kaattee kaanahu kaattee kaatt koott kai ddaaree ||
I have cut off her nose, and cut off her ears, and cutting her into bits, I have expelled her.
khu kbIr sMqn kI bYrin qIin lok kI ipAwrI ]4]4]
kahu kabeer santhan kee bairan theen lok kee piaaree ||4||4||
Says Kabeer, she is the darling of the three worlds, but the enemy of the Saints. ||4||4||