AstpdI ]
asattapadhee ||
tUtI gwFnhwr guopwl ]
aucwrx goupwl: gupwl bolo
ttoottee gaadtanehaar guopaal ||
The Lord of the World is the Mender of the broken.
srb jIAw Awpy pRiqpwl ]
aucwrx pRiq-pwl: ‘pR’ ishwrI rihq bolo
sarab jeeaa aapae prathipaal ||
He Himself cherishes all beings.
sgl kI icMqw ijsu mn mwih ]
sagal kee chinthaa jis man maahi ||
The cares of all are on His Mind;
iqs qy ibrQw koeI nwih ]
this thae birathhaa koee naahi ||
No one is turned away from Him.
ry mn myry sdw hir jwip ]
rae man maerae sadhaa har jaap ||
O my mind, meditate forever on the Lord.
AibnwsI pRBu Awpy Awip ]
abinaasee prabh aapae aap ||
The Imperishable Lord God is Himself All-in-all.
Awpn kIAw kCU n hoie ]
aapan keeaa kashhoo n hoe ||
By one's own actions, nothing is accomplished,
jy sau pRwnI locY koie ]
jae so praanee lochai koe ||
Even though the mortal may wish it so, hundreds of times.
iqsu ibnu nwhI qyrY ikCu kwm ]
this bin naahee thaerai kishh kaam ||
Without Him, nothing is of any use to you.
giq nwnk jip eyk hir nwm ]1]
gath naanak jap eaek har naam ||1||
Salvation, O Nanak, is attained by chanting the Name of the One Lord. ||1||