Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
pRQmy imitAw qn kw dUK ]
prathhamae mittiaa than kaa dhookh ||
First, the pains of the body vanish;
mn sgl kau hoAw sUKu ]
man sagal ko hoaa sookh ||
Then, the mind becomes totally peaceful.
kir ikrpw gur dIno nwau ]
kar kirapaa gur dheeno naao ||
In His Mercy, the Guru bestows the Lord's Name.
bil bil iqsu siqgur kau jwau ]1]
bal bal this sathigur ko jaao ||1||
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to that True Guru. ||1||
guru pUrw pwieE myry BweI ]
gur pooraa paaeiou maerae bhaaee ||
I have obtained the Perfect Guru, O my Siblings of Destiny.
rog sog sB dUK ibnwsy siqgur kI srxweI ] rhwau ]
rog sog sabh dhookh binaasae sathigur kee saranaaee || rehaao ||
All illness, sorrows and sufferings are dispelled, in the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||Pause||
gur ky crn ihrdY vswey ]
gur kae charan hiradhai vasaaeae ||
The feet of the Guru abide within my heart;
mn icMqq sgly Pl pwey ]
man chinthath sagalae fal paaeae ||
I have received all the fruits of my heart's desires.
Agin buJI sB hoeI sWiq ]
aucwrx buJI: polw bolo
agan bujhee sabh hoee saanth ||
The fire is extinguished, and I am totally peaceful.
kir ikrpw guir kInI dwiq ]2]
kar kirapaa gur keenee dhaath ||2||
Showering His Mercy, the Guru has given this gift. ||2||
inQwvy kau guir dIno Qwnu ]
nithhaavae ko gur dheeno thhaan ||
The Guru has given shelter to the shelterless.
inmwny kau guir kIno mwnu ]
nimaanae ko gur keeno maan ||
The Guru has given honor to the dishonored.
bµDn kwit syvk kir rwKy ]
bandhhan kaatt saevak kar raakhae ||
Shattering his bonds, the Guru has saved His servant.
AMimRq bwnI rsnw cwKy ]3]
anmrith baanee rasanaa chaakhae ||3||
I taste with my tongue the Ambrosial Bani of His Word. ||3||
vfY Bwig pUj gur crnw ]
vaddai bhaag pooj gur charanaa ||
By great good fortune, I worship the Guru's feet.
sgl iqAwig pweI pRB srnw ]
sagal thiaag paaee prabh saranaa ||
Forsaking everything, I have obtained God's Sanctuary.
guru nwnk jw kau BieAw dieAwlw ]
gur naanak jaa ko bhaeiaa dhaeiaalaa ||
That humble being, O Nanak, unto whom the Guru grants His Mercy,
so jnu hoAw sdw inhwlw ]4]6]100]
so jan hoaa sadhaa nihaalaa ||4||6||100||
Is forever enraptured. ||4||6||100||