SGGSAng 395Raag AsaMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

gwiv lyih qU gwvnhwry ]

gaav laehi thoo gaavanehaarae ||

O singer, sing of the One,

jIA ipMf ky pRwn ADwry ]

jeea pindd kae praan adhhaarae ||

Who is the Support of the soul, the body and the breath of life.

jw kI syvw srb suK pwvih ]

jaa kee saevaa sarab sukh paavehi ||

Serving Him, all peace is obtained.

Avr kwhU pih bhuiV n jwvih ]1]

avar kaahoo pehi bahurr n jaavehi ||1||

You shall no longer go to any other. ||1||

sdw Anµd AnµdI swihbu gun inDwn inq inq jwpIAY ]

sadhaa anandh anandhee saahib gun nidhhaan nith nith jaapeeai ||

My Blissful Lord Master is forever in bliss; meditate continually and forever, on the Lord, the treasure of excellence.

bilhwrI iqsu sMq ipAwry ijsu pRswid pRBu min vwsIAY ] rhwau ]

balihaaree this santh piaarae jis prasaadh prabh man vaaseeai || rehaao ||

I am a sacrifice to the Beloved Saints; by their kind favor, God comes to dwell in the mind. ||Pause||

jw kw dwnu inKUtY nwhI ]

jaa kaa dhaan nikhoottai naahee ||

His gifts are never exhausted.

BlI Bwiq sB shij smwhI ]

bhalee bhaath sabh sehaj samaahee ||

In His subtle way, He easily absorbs all.

jw kI bKs n mytY koeI ]

jaa kee bakhas n maettai koee ||

His benevolence cannot be erased.

min vwsweIAY swcw soeI ]2]

man vaasaaeeai saachaa soee ||2||

So enshrine that True Lord within your mind. ||2||

sgl smgRI igRh jw kY pUrn ]

sagal samagree grih jaa kai pooran ||

His house is filled with all sorts of articles;

pRB ky syvk dUK n JUrn ]

prabh kae saevak dhookh n jhooran ||

God's servants never suffer pain.

Eit ghI inrBau pdu pweIAY ]

outt gehee nirabho padh paaeeai ||

Holding to His Support, the state of fearless dignity is obtained.

swis swis so gun iniD gweIAY ]3]

aucwrx in`iD

saas saas so gun nidhh gaaeeai ||3||

With each and every breath, sing of the Lord, the treasure of excellence. ||3||

dUir n hoeI kqhU jweIAY ]

dhoor n hoee kathehoo jaaeeai ||

He is not far from us, wherever we go.

ndir kry qw hir hir pweIAY ]

nadhar karae thaa har har paaeeai ||

When He shows His Mercy, we obtain the Lord, Har, Har.

Ardwis krI pUry gur pwis ]

aradhaas karee poorae gur paas ||

I offer this prayer to the Perfect Guru.

nwnku mMgY hir Dnu rwis ]4]5]99]

naanak mangai har dhhan raas ||4||5||99||

Nanak begs for the treasure of the Lord's Name. ||4||5||99||