sc BY rwqw grbu invwrY ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
sach bhai raathaa garab nivaarai ||
Imbued with the True Fear of God, pride is taken away;
eyko jwqw sbdu vIcwrY ]
eaeko jaathaa sabadh veechaarai ||
Realize that He is One, and contemplate the Shabad.
sbdu vsY scu AMqir hIAw ]
sabadh vasai sach anthar heeaa ||
With the True Shabad abiding deep within the heart,
qnu mnu sIqlu rµig rMgIAw ]
than man seethal rang rangeeaa ||
The body and mind are cooled and soothed, and colored with the Lord's Love.
kwmu kRoDu ibKu Agin invwry ]
kaam krodhh bikh agan nivaarae ||
The fire of sexual desire, anger and corruption is quenched.
nwnk ndrI ndir ipAwry ]47]
naanak nadharee nadhar piaarae ||47||
O Nanak, the Beloved bestows His Glance of Grace. ||47||
kvn muiK cMdu ihvY Gru CwieAw ]
kavan mukh chandh hivai ghar shhaaeiaa ||
“The moon of the mind is cool and dark; how is it enlightened?
kvn muiK sUrju qpY qpwieAw ]
aucwrx qpwieAw: polw bolo
kavan mukh sooraj thapai thapaaeiaa ||
How does the sun blaze so brilliantly?
kvn muiK kwlu johq inq rhY ]
kavan mukh kaal johath nith rehai ||
How can the constant watchful gaze of Death be turned away?
kvn buiD gurmuiK piq rhY ]
kavan budhh guramukh path rehai ||
By what understanding is the honor of the Gurmukh preserved?
kvnu joDu jo kwlu sµGwrY ]
kavan jodhh jo kaal sanghaarai ||
Who is the warrior, who conquers Death?
bolY bwxI nwnku bIcwrY ]48]
bolai baanee naanak beechaarai ||48||
Give us your thoughtful reply, O Nanak.”||48||