Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
BUpiq hoie kY rwju kmwieAw ]
bhoopath hoe kai raaj kamaaeiaa ||
Becoming a king, the mortal wields his royal authority;
kir kir AnrQ ivhwJI mwieAw ]
aucwrx A-nrQ
kar kar anarathh vihaajhee maaeiaa ||
Oppressing the people, he gathers wealth.
sµcq sµcq QYlI kIn@I ]
sanchath sanchath thhailee keenhee ||
Gathering it and collecting it, he fills his bags.
pRiB aus qy fwir Avr kau dIn@I ]1]
prabh ous thae ddaar avar ko dheenhee ||1||
But God takes it away from him, and gives it to another. ||1||
kwc ggrIAw AMB mJrIAw ]
kaach gagareeaa anbh majhareeaa ||
The mortal is like an unbaked clay pot in water;
grib grib auAwhU mih prIAw ]1] rhwau ]
garab garab ouaahoo mehi pareeaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Indulging in pride and egotism, he crumbles down and dissolves. ||1||Pause||
inrBau hoieE BieAw inhµgw ]
nirabho hoeiou bhaeiaa nihangaa ||
Being fearless, he becomes unrestrained.
cIiq n AwieE krqw sMgw ]
cheeth n aaeiou karathaa sangaa ||
He does not think of the Creator, who is ever with him.
lskr joVy kIAw sµbwhw ]
lasakar jorrae keeaa sanbaahaa ||
He raises armies, and collects arms.
inkisAw PUk q hoie gieE suAwhw ]2]
nikasiaa fook th hoe gaeiou suaahaa ||2||
But when the breath leaves him, he turns to ashes. ||2||
aUcy mMdr mhl Aru rwnI ]
oochae mandhar mehal ar raanee ||
He has lofty palaces, mansions and queens,
hsiq GoVy joVy min BwnI ]
hasath ghorrae jorrae man bhaanee ||
Elephants and pairs of horses, delighting the mind;
vf prvwru pUq Aru DIAw ]
vadd paravaar pooth ar dhheeaa ||
He is blessed with a great family of sons and daughters.
moih pcy pic AMDw mUAw ]3]
mohi pachae pach andhhaa mooaa ||3||
But, engrossed in attachment, the blind fool wastes away to death. ||3||
ijnih aupwhw iqnih ibnwhw ]
jinehi oupaahaa thinehi binaahaa ||
The One who created him destroys him.
rMg rsw jYsy supnwhw ]
aucwrx rsw: polw bolo
rang rasaa jaisae supanaahaa ||
Enjoyments and pleasures are like just a dream.
soeI mukqw iqsu rwju mwlu ]
soee mukathaa this raaj maal ||
He alone is liberated, and possesses regal power and wealth,
nwnk dws ijsu Ksmu dieAwlu ]4]35]86]
naanak dhaas jis khasam dhaeiaal ||4||35||86||
O Nanak, whom the Lord Master blesses with His Mercy. ||4||35||86||