Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
moh mln nId qy CutkI kaunu AnugRhu BieE rI ]
aucwrx mln: polw bolo; Anu`gRhu
moh malan needh thae shhuttakee koun anugrahu bhaeiou ree ||
You have avoided the slumber of attachment and impurity - by whose favor has this happened?
mhw mohnI quDu n ivAwpY qyrw Awlsu khw gieE rI ]1] rhwau ]
mehaa mohanee thudhh n viaapai thaeraa aalas kehaa gaeiou ree ||1|| rehaao ||
The great enticer does not affect you. Where has your laziness gone? ||1||Pause||
kwmu kRoDu Ahµkwru gwKro sµjim kaun CuitE rI ]
kaam krodhh ahankaar gaakharo sanjam koun shhuttiou ree ||
How have you escaped from the treachery of sexual desire, anger and egotism?
suir nr dyv Asur qRY gunIAw sglo Bvnu luitE rI ]1]
aucwrx A-sur
sur nar dhaev asur thrai guneeaa sagalo bhavan luttiou ree ||1||
The holy beings, angels and demons of the three qualities, and all the worlds have been plundered. ||1||
dwvw Agin bhuqu iqRx jwly koeI hirAw bUtu rihE rI ]
dhaavaa agan bahuth thrin jaalae koee hariaa boott rehiou ree ||
The forest fire has burnt down so much of the grass; how rare are the plants which have remained green.
AYso smrQu vrin n swkau qw kI aupmw jwq n kihE rI ]2]
aiso samarathh varan n saako thaa kee oupamaa jaath n kehiou ree ||2||
He is so All-powerful, that I cannot even describe Him; no one can chant His Praises. ||2||
kwjr koT mih BeI n kwrI inrml brnu binE rI ]
kaajar koth mehi bhee n kaaree niramal baran baniou ree ||
In the store-room of the lamp-black, I did not turn black; my color remained immaculate and pure.
mhw mMqRü gur ihrdY bisE Acrj nwmu suinE rI ]3]
aucwrx Ac-rj; mMqRü: AONkV rwry nUµ lw ky
mehaa manthra gur hiradhai basiou acharaj naam suniou ree ||3||
The Guru has implanted the Maha Mantra, the Great Mantra, within my heart, and I have heard the wondrous Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3||
kir ikrpw pRB ndir Avlokn ApunY crix lgweI ]
kar kirapaa prabh nadhar avalokan apunai charan lagaaee ||
Showing His Mercy, God has looked upon me with favor, and He has attached me to His feet.
pRym Bgiq nwnk suKu pwieAw swDU sµig smweI ]4]12]51]
praem bhagath naanak sukh paaeiaa saadhhoo sang samaaee ||4||12||51||
Through loving devotional worship, O Nanak, I have obtained peace; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I am absorbed into the Lord. ||4||12||51||