SGGSAng 1014Raag MaruKaafi Mahalla 120 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mwrU kwPI mhlw 1 Gru 2 ]

aucwrx mwrU kwPI mh`lw pihlw Gru dUjw

maaroo kaafee mehalaa 1 ghar 2 ||

Maaroo, Kaafee, First Mehl, Second House:

Awvau vM\au fuµmxI ikqI imqR kryau ]

aucwrx ik`qI

aavo vannjo ddunmanee kithee mithr karaeo ||

The double-minded person comes and goes, and has numerous friends.

sw Dn FoeI n lhY vwFI ikau DIryau ]1]

saa dhhan dtoee n lehai vaadtee kio dhheeraeo ||1||

The soul-bride is separated from her Lord, and she has no place of rest; how can she be comforted? ||1||

mYfw mnu rqw AwpnVy ipr nwil ]

aucwrx r`qw

maiddaa man rathaa aapanarrae pir naal ||

My mind is attuned to the Love of my Husband Lord.

hau Goil GumweI KMnIAY kIqI ihk BorI ndir inhwil ]1] rhwau ]

ho ghol ghumaaee khanneeai keethee hik bhoree nadhar nihaal ||1|| rehaao ||

I am devoted, dedicated, a sacrifice to the Lord; if only He would bless me with His Glance of Grace, even for an instant! ||1||Pause||

pyeIAVY fohwgxI swhurVY ikau jwau ]

paeeearrai ddohaaganee saahurarrai kio jaao ||

I am a rejected bride, abandoned in my parents' home; how can I go to my in-laws now?

mY gil Aaugx muTVI ibnu ipr JUir mrwau ]2]

mai gal aougan mutharree bin pir jhoor maraao ||2||

I wear my faults around my neck; without my Husband Lord, I am grieving, and wasting away to death. ||2||

pyeIAVY ipru sMmlw swhurVY Gir vwsu ]

paeeearrai pir sanmalaa saahurarrai ghar vaas ||

But if, in my parents' home, I remember my Husband Lord, then I will come to dwell in the home of my in-laws yet.

suiK svµiD sohwgxI ipru pwieAw guxqwsu ]3]

sukh savandhh sohaaganee pir paaeiaa gunathaas ||3||

The happy soul-brides sleep in peace; they find their Husband Lord, the treasure of virtue. ||3||

lyPu inhwlI pt kI kwpVu AMig bxwie ]

aucwrx p`t

laef nihaalee patt kee kaaparr ang banaae ||

Their blankets and mattresses are made of silk, and so are the clothes on their bodies.

ipru muqI fohwgxI iqn fuKI rYix ivhwie ]4]

aucwrx mu`qI

pir muthee ddohaaganee thin ddukhee rain vihaae ||4||

The Lord rejects the impure soul-brides. Their life-night passes in misery. ||4||

ikqI cKau swfVy ikqI vys kryau ]

aucwrx ik`qI; c`Kau; ik`qI

kithee chakho saaddarrae kithee vaes karaeo ||

I have tasted many flavors, and worn many robes,

ipr ibnu jobnu bwid gieAmu vwFI JUrydI JUryau ]5]

aucwrx gieAmu: 'A' sihq bolo

pir bin joban baadh gaeiam vaadtee jhooraedhee jhooraeo ||5||

But without my Husband Lord, my youth is slipping away uselessly; I am separated from Him, and I cry out in pain. ||5||

scy sMdw sdVw suxIAY gur vIcwir ]

sachae sandhaa sadharraa suneeai gur veechaar ||

I have heard the True Lord's message, contemplating the Guru.

scy scw bYhxw ndrI ndir ipAwir ]6]

sachae sachaa baihanaa nadharee nadhar piaar ||6||

True is the home of the True Lord; by His Gracious Grace, I love Him. ||6||

igAwnI AMjnu sc kw fyKY fyKxhwru ]

giaanee anjan sach kaa ddaekhai ddaekhanehaar ||

The spiritual teacher applies the ointment of Truth to his eyes, and sees God, the Seer.

gurmuiK bUJY jwxIAY haumY grbu invwir ]7]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh boojhai jaaneeai houmai garab nivaar ||7||

The Gurmukh comes to know and understand; ego and pride are subdued. ||7||

qau Bwvin qau jyhIAw mU jyhIAw ikqIAwh ]

aucwrx mU: polw bolo; ik`qIAwh

tho bhaavan tho jaeheeaa moo jaeheeaa kitheeaah ||

O Lord, You are pleased with those who are like Yourself; there are many more like me.

nwnk nwhu n vICuVY iqn scY rqVIAwh ]8]1]9]

aucwrx r`qVIAwh

naanak naahu n veeshhurrai thin sachai ratharreeaah ||8||1||9||

O Nanak, the Husband does not separate from those who are imbued with Truth. ||8||1||9||