SGGSAng 1015Raag MaruKaafi Mahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

nw BYxw BrjweIAw nw sy ssuVIAwh ]

naa bhainaa bharajaaeeaa naa sae sasurreeaah ||

Neither the sisters, nor the sisters-in-law, nor the mothers-in-law, shall remain.

scw swku n quteI guru myly shIAwh ]1]

sachaa saak n thuttee gur maelae seheeaah ||1||

The true relationship with the Lord cannot be broken; it was established by the Lord, O sister soul-brides. ||1||

bilhwrI gur Awpxy sd bilhwrY jwau ]

balihaaree gur aapanae sadh balihaarai jaao ||

I am a sacrifice to my Guru; I am forever a sacrifice to Him.

gur ibnu eyqw Biv QkI guir ipru myilmu idqmu imlwie ]1] rhwau ]

gur bin eaethaa bhav thhakee gur pir maelim dhitham milaae ||1|| rehaao ||

Wandering so far without the Guru, I grew weary; now, the Guru has united me in Union with my Husband Lord. ||1||Pause||

PuPI nwnI mwsIAw dyr jyTwnVIAwh ]

fufee naanee maaseeaa dhaer jaethaanarreeaah ||

Aunts, uncles, grandparents and sisters-in-law

Awvin vM\in nw rhin pUr Bry phIAwh ]2]

aavan vannjan naa rehan poor bharae peheeaah ||2||

- they all come and go; they cannot remain. They are like boatloads of passengers embarking. ||2||

mwmy qY mwmwxIAw Bwier bwp n mwau ]

maamae thai maamaaneeaa bhaaeir baap n maao ||

Uncles, aunts, and cousins of all sorts, cannot remain.

swQ lfy iqn nwTIAw BIV GxI drIAwau ]3]

aucwrx l`fy

saathh laddae thin naatheeaa bheerr ghanee dhareeaao ||3||

The caravans are full, and great crowds of them are loading up at the riverbank. ||3||

swcau rµig rµgwvlo sKI hmwro kMqu ]

saacho rang rangaavalo sakhee hamaaro kanth ||

O sister-friends, my Husband Lord is dyed in the color of Truth.

sic ivCoVw nw QIAY so shu rµig rvµqu ]4]

sach vishhorraa naa thheeai so sahu rang ravanth ||4||

She who lovingly remembers her True Husband Lord is not separated from Him again. ||4||

sBy ruqI cµgIAw ijqu scy isau nyhu ]

aucwrx s`By; ru`qI

sabhae ruthee changeeaa jith sachae sio naehu ||

All the seasons are good, in which the soul-bride falls in love with the True Lord.

sw Dn kMqu pCwixAw suiK suqI inis fyhu ]5]

aucwrx su`qI

saa dhhan kanth pashhaaniaa sukh suthee nis ddaehu ||5||

That soul-bride, who knows her Husband Lord, sleeps in peace, night and day. ||5||

pqix kUky pwqxI vM\hu DRüik ivlwiV ]

aucwrx p`qix; DRüik: AONkV 'r' nUµ lw ky

pathan kookae paathanee vannjahu dhhraak vilaarr ||

At the ferry, the ferryman announces, “O travellers, hurry up and cross over.”

pwir pvµdVy ifTu mY siqgur boihiQ cwiV ]6]

paar pavandharrae ddith mai sathigur bohithh chaarr ||6||

I have seen them crossing over there, on the boat of the True Guru. ||6||

ihknI lidAw ihik lid gey ihik Bwry Brnwil ]

aucwrx Br-nwil: iek`Tw bolo

hikanee ladhiaa hik ladh geae hik bhaarae bhar naal ||

Some are getting on board, and some have already set out; some are weighed down with their loads.

ijnI scu vxµijAw sy scy pRB nwil ]7]

jinee sach vananjiaa sae sachae prabh naal ||7||

Those who deal in Truth, remain with their True Lord God. ||7||

nw hm cµgy AwKIAh burw n idsY koie ]

naa ham changae aakheeah buraa n dhisai koe ||

I am not called good, and I see none who are bad.

nwnk haumY mwrIAY scy jyhVw soie ]8]2]10]

naanak houmai maareeai sachae jaeharraa soe ||8||2||10||

O Nanak, one who conquers and subdues his ego, becomes just like the True Lord. ||8||2||10||