SGGSAng 108Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

mnu qnu rqw rwm ipAwry ]

aucwrx r`qw

man than rathaa raam piaarae ||

My mind and body are imbued with love for the Lord.

srbsu dIjY Apnw vwry ]

aucwrx sr-bsu: polw bolo (ASuD: srb`su)

sarabas dheejai apanaa vaarae ||

I sacrifice everything for Him.

AwT phr goivMd gux gweIAY ibsru n koeI swsw jIau ]1]

aath pehar govindh gun gaaeeai bisar n koee saasaa jeeo ||1||

Twenty-four hours a day, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe. Do not forget Him, for even one breath. ||1||

soeI swjn mIqu ipAwrw ]

soee saajan meeth piaaraa ||

He is a companion, a friend, and a beloved of mine,

rwm nwmu swDsµig bIcwrw ]

raam naam saadhhasang beechaaraa ||

Who reflects upon the Lord's Name, in the Company of the Holy.

swDU sµig qrIjY swgru ktIAY jm kI Pwsw jIau ]2]

saadhhoo sang thareejai saagar katteeai jam kee faasaa jeeo ||2||

In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, cross over the world-ocean, and the noose of death shall be cut away. ||2||

cwir pdwrQ hir kI syvw ]

chaar padhaarathh har kee saevaa ||

The four cardinal blessings are obtained by serving the Lord.

pwrjwqu jip AlK AByvw ]

aucwrx Al`K

paarajaath jap alakh abhaevaa ||

The Elysian Tree, the source of all blessings, is meditation on the Unseen and Unknowable Lord.

kwmu kRoDu iklibK guir kwty pUrn hoeI Awsw jIau ]3]

kaam krodhh kilabikh gur kaattae pooran hoee aasaa jeeo ||3||

The Guru has cut out the sinful mistakes of sexual desire and anger, and my hopes have been fulfilled. ||3||

pUrn Bwg Bey ijsu pRwxI ]

pooran bhaag bheae jis praanee ||

That mortal who is blessed by perfect destiny meets the Lord,

swD sµig imly swrµgpwxI ]

saadhhasang milae saarangapaanee ||

The Sustainer of the Universe, in the Company of the Holy.

nwnk nwmu visAw ijsu AMqir prvwxu igrsq audwsw jIau ]4]40]47]

aucwrx igr`sq

naanak naam vasiaa jis anthar paravaan girasath oudhaasaa jeeo ||4||40||47||

O Nanak, if the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells within the mind, one is approved and accepted, whether he is a house-holder or a renunciate. ||4||40||47||