mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
ismrq nwmu irdY suKu pwieAw ]
simarath naam ridhai sukh paaeiaa ||
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, my heart is filled with peace.
kir ikrpw BgqˆØI pRgtwieAw ]
kar kirapaa bhagathanaee pragattaaeiaa ||
By His Grace, His devotees become famous and acclaimed.
sµqsµig imil hir hir jipAw ibnsy Awls rogw jIau ]1]
santhasang mil har har japiaa binasae aalas rogaa jeeo ||1||
Joining the Society of the Saints, I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; the disease of laziness has disappeared. ||1||
jw kY igRih nviniD hir BweI ]
aucwrx nv-in`iD
jaa kai grihi nav nidhh har bhaaee ||
O Siblings of Destiny, the nine treasures are found in the Home of the Lord;
iqsu imilAw ijsu purb kmweI ]
this miliaa jis purab kamaaee ||
He comes to meet those who deserve it by their past actions.
igAwn iDAwn pUrn prmysur pRBu sBnw glw jogw jIau ]2]
aucwrx g`lW
giaan dhhiaan pooran paramaesur prabh sabhanaa galaa jogaa jeeo ||2||
The Perfect Transcendent Lord is spiritual wisdom and meditation. God is All-powerful to do all things. ||2||
iKn mih Qwip auQwpnhwrw ]
khin mehi thhaap outhhaapanehaaraa ||
In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes.
Awip iekµqI Awip pswrw ]
aap eikanthee aap pasaaraa ||
He Himself is the One, and He Himself is the Many.
lypu nhI jgjIvn dwqy drsn ifTy lhin ivjogw jIau ]3]
laep nehee jagajeevan dhaathae dharasan ddithae lehan vijogaa jeeo ||3||
Filth does not stick to the Giver, the Life of the World. Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, the pain of separation departs. ||3||
AMcil lwie sB issit qrweI ]
anchal laae sabh sisatt tharaaee ||
Holding on to the hem of His Robe, the entire Universe is saved.
Awpxw nwau Awip jpweI ]
aapanaa naao aap japaaee ||
He Himself causes His Name to be chanted.
gur boihQu pwieAw ikrpw qy nwnk Duir sµjogw jIau ]4]41]48]
gur bohithh paaeiaa kirapaa thae naanak dhhur sanjogaa jeeo ||4||41||48||
The Boat of the Guru is found by His Grace; O Nanak, such blessed destiny is pre-ordained. ||4||41||48||