mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
AYQY qUµhY AwgY Awpy ]
aithhai thoonhai aagai aapae ||
You are here, and You are hereafter.
jIA jµqR siB qyry Qwpy ]
jeea janthr sabh thaerae thhaapae ||
All beings and creatures were created by You.
quDu ibnu Avru n koeI krqy mY Dr Et qumwrI jIau ]1]
thudhh bin avar n koee karathae mai dhhar outt thumaaree jeeo ||1||
Without You, there is no other, O Creator. You are my Support and my Protection. ||1||
rsnw jip jip jIvY suAwmI ]
rasanaa jap jap jeevai suaamee ||
The tongue lives by chanting and meditating on the Lord's Name.
pwrbRhm pRB AMqrjwmI ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham prabh antharajaamee ||
The Supreme Lord God is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.
ijin syivAw iqnhI suKu pwieAw so jnmu n jUAY hwrI jIau ]2]
jin saeviaa thin hee sukh paaeiaa so janam n jooai haaree jeeo ||2||
Those who serve the Lord find peace; they do not lose their lives in the gamble. ||2||
nwmu AvKDu ijin jn qyrY pwieAw ]
naam avakhadhh jin jan thaerai paaeiaa ||
Your humble servant, who obtains the Medicine of the Naam,
jnm jnm kw rogu gvwieAw ]
janam janam kaa rog gavaaeiaa ||
Is rid of the illnesses of countless lifetimes and incarnations.
hir kIrqnu gwvhu idnu rwqI sPl eyhw hY kwrI jIau ]3]
har keerathan gaavahu dhin raathee safal eaehaa hai kaaree jeeo ||3||
So sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, day and night. This is the most fruitful occupation. ||3||
idRsit Dwir Apnw dwsu svwirAw ]
dhrisatt dhhaar apanaa dhaas savaariaa ||
Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He has adorned His slave.
Gt Gt AMqir pwrbRhmu nmskwirAw ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
ghatt ghatt anthar paarabreham namasakaariaa ||
Deep within each and every heart, the Supreme Lord is humbly worshipped.
ieksu ivxu horu dUjw nwhI bwbw nwnk ieh miq swrI jIau ]4]39]46]
aucwrx ieksu: polw bolo; m`iq
eikas vin hor dhoojaa naahee baabaa naanak eih math saaree jeeo ||4||39||46||
Without the One, there is no other at all. O Baba Nanak, this is the most excellent wisdom. ||4||39||46||