SGGSAng 1028Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 152 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

Asur sGwrx rwmu hmwrw ]

aucwrx A-sur

asur saghaaran raam hamaaraa ||

My Lord is the Destroyer of demons.

Git Git rmeIAw rwmu ipAwrw ]

aucwrx r-meIAw

ghatt ghatt rameeaa raam piaaraa ||

My Beloved Lord is pervading each and every heart.

nwly AlKu n lKIAY mUly gurmuiK ilKu vIcwrw hy ]1]

aucwrx Al`Ku

naalae alakh n lakheeai moolae guramukh likh veechaaraa hae ||1||

The unseen Lord is always with us, but He is not seen at all. The Gurmukh contemplates the record. ||1||

gurmuiK swDU srix qumwrI ]

guramukh saadhhoo saran thumaaree ||

The Holy Gurmukh seeks Your Sanctuary.

kir ikrpw pRiB pwir auqwrI ]

kar kirapaa prabh paar outhaaree ||

God grants His Grace, and carries him across to the other side.

Agin pwxI swgru Aiq ghrw guru siqguru pwir auqwrw hy ]2]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

agan paanee saagar ath geharaa gur sathigur paar outhaaraa hae ||2||

The ocean is very deep, filled with fiery water; the Guru, the True Guru, carries us across to the other side. ||2||

mnmuK AMDuly soJI nwhI ]

manamukh andhhulae sojhee naahee ||

The blind, self-willed manmukh does not understand.

Awvih jwih mrih mir jwhI ]

aavehi jaahi marehi mar jaahee ||

He comes and goes in reincarnation, dying, and dying again.

pUrib iliKAw lyKu n imteI jm dir AMDu KuAwrw hy ]3]

poorab likhiaa laekh n mittee jam dhar andhh khuaaraa hae ||3||

The primal inscription of destiny cannot be erased. The spiritually blind suffer terribly at Death's door. ||3||

ieik Awvih jwvih Gir vwsu n pwvih ]

eik aavehi jaavehi ghar vaas n paavehi ||

Some come and go, and do not find a home in their own heart.

ikrq ky bwDy pwp kmwvih ]

kirath kae baadhhae paap kamaavehi ||

Bound by their past actions, they commit sins.

AMDuly soJI bUJ n kweI loBu burw Ahµkwrw hy ]4]

aucwrx bU`J

andhhulae sojhee boojh n kaaee lobh buraa ahankaaraa hae ||4||

The blind ones have no understanding, no wisdom; they are trapped and ruined by greed and egotism. ||4||

ipr ibnu ikAw iqsu Dn sIgwrw ]

pir bin kiaa this dhhan seegaaraa ||

Without her Husband Lord, what good are the soul-bride's decorations?

pr ipr rwqI Ksmu ivswrw ]

aucwrx rwqI: Bwrw krky bolo

par pir raathee khasam visaaraa ||

She has forgotten her Lord and Master, and is infatuated with another's husband.

ijau bysuAw pUq bwpu ko khIAY iqau Pokt kwr ivkwrw hy ]5]

jio baesuaa pooth baap ko keheeai thio fokatt kaar vikaaraa hae ||5||

Just as no one knows who is the father of the prostitute's son, such are the worthless, useless deeds that are done. ||5||

pRyq ipMjr mih dUK Gnyry ]

praeth pinjar mehi dhookh ghanaerae ||

The ghost, in the body-cage, suffers all sorts of afflictions.

nrik pcih AigAwn AMDyry ]

narak pachehi agiaan andhhaerae ||

Those who are blind to spiritual wisdom, putrefy in hell.

Drmrwie kI bwkI lIjY ijin hir kw nwmu ivswrw hy ]6]

dhharam raae kee baakee leejai jin har kaa naam visaaraa hae ||6||

The Righteous Judge of Dharma collects the balance due on the account, of those who forget the Name of the Lord. ||6||

sUrju qpY Agin ibKu Jwlw ]

aucwrx qpY: polw bolo

sooraj thapai agan bikh jhaalaa ||

The scorching sun blazes with flames of poison.

Apqu psU mnmuKu byqwlw ]

aucwrx Apqu: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pqu)

apath pasoo manamukh baethaalaa ||

The self-willed manmukh is dishonored, a beast, a demon.

Awsw mnsw kUVu kmwvih rogu burw buirAwrw hy ]7]

aasaa manasaa koorr kamaavehi rog buraa buriaaraa hae ||7||

Trapped by hope and desire, he practices falsehood, and is afflicted by the terrible disease of corruption. ||7||

msqik Bwru klr isir Bwrw ]

masathak bhaar kalar sir bhaaraa ||

He carries the heavy load of sins on his forehead and head.

ikau kir Bvjlu lµGis pwrw ]

kio kar bhavajal langhas paaraa ||

How can he cross the terrifying world-ocean?

siqguru boihQu Awid jugwdI rwm nwim insqwrw hy ]8]

sathigur bohithh aadh jugaadhee raam naam nisathaaraa hae ||8||

From the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, the True Guru has been the boat; through the Lord's Name, He carries us across. ||8||

puqR klqR jig hyqu ipAwrw ]

aucwrx kl`qR

puthr kalathr jag haeth piaaraa ||

The love of one's children and spouse is so sweet in this world.

mwieAw mohu psirAw pwswrw ]

maaeiaa mohu pasariaa paasaaraa ||

The expansive expanse of the Universe is attachment to Maya.

jm ky Pwhy siqguir qoVy gurmuiK qqu bIcwrw hy ]9]

jam kae faahae sathigur thorrae guramukh thath beechaaraa hae ||9||

The True Guru snaps the noose of Death, for that Gurmukh who contemplates the essence of reality. ||9||

kUiV muTI cwlY bhu rwhI ]

koorr muthee chaalai bahu raahee ||

Cheated by falsehood, the self-willed manmukh walks along many paths;

mnmuKu dwJY piV piV BwhI ]

aucwrx piV: polw bolo; piV: polw bolo

manamukh dhaajhai parr parr bhaahee ||

He may be highly educated, but he burns in the fire.

AMimRq nwmu gurU vf dwxw nwmu jphu suK swrw hy ]10]

anmrith naam guroo vadd dhaanaa naam japahu sukh saaraa hae ||10||

The Guru is the Great Giver of the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. Chanting the Naam, sublime peace is obtained. ||10||

siqguru quTw scu idRVwey ]

sathigur thuthaa sach dhrirraaeae ||

The True Guru, in His Mercy, implants Truth within.

siB duK myty mwrig pwey ]

sabh dhukh maettae maarag paaeae ||

All suffering is eradicated, and one is placed on the Path.

kMfw pwie n gfeI mUly ijsu siqguru rwKxhwrw hy ]11]

kanddaa paae n gaddee moolae jis sathigur raakhanehaaraa hae ||11||

Not even a thorn ever pierces the foot of one who has the True Guru as his Protector. ||11||

KyhU Kyh rlY qnu CIjY ]

khaehoo khaeh ralai than shheejai ||

Dust mixes with dust, when the body wastes away.

mnmuKu pwQru sYlu n BIjY ]

manamukh paathhar sail n bheejai ||

The self-willed manmukh is like a stone slab, which is impervious to water.

krx plwv kry bhuqyry nrik surig Avqwrw hy ]12]

karan palaav karae bahuthaerae narak surag avathaaraa hae ||12||

He cries out and weeps and wails; he is reincarnated into heaven and then hell. ||12||

mwieAw ibKu BuieAMgm nwly ]

aucwrx 'Buie-AMgm

maaeiaa bikh bhueiangam naalae ||

They live with the poisonous snake of Maya.

iein duibDw Gr bhuqy gwly ]

aucwrx gwly: Bwrw krky bolo

ein dhubidhhaa ghar bahuthae gaalae ||

This duality has ruined so many homes.

siqgur bwJhu pRIiq n aupjY Bgiq rqy pqIAwrw hy ]13]

aucwrx r`qy

sathigur baajhahu preeth n oupajai bhagath rathae patheeaaraa hae ||13||

Without the True Guru, love does not well up. Imbued with devotional worship, the soul is satisfied. ||13||

swkq mwieAw kau bhu Dwvih ]

saakath maaeiaa ko bahu dhhaavehi ||

The faithless cynics chase after Maya.

nwmu ivswir khw suKu pwvih ]

naam visaar kehaa sukh paavehi ||

Forgetting the Naam, how can they find peace?

iqRhu gux AMqir Kpih Kpwvih nwhI pwir auqwrw hy ]14]

aucwrx Kpih: polw bolo

thrihu gun anthar khapehi khapaavehi naahee paar outhaaraa hae ||14||

In the three qualities, they are destroyed; they cannot cross over to the other side. ||14||

kUkr sUkr khIAih kUiVAwrw ]

kookar sookar keheeahi koorriaaraa ||

The false are called pigs and dogs.

Bauik mrih Bau Bau Bauhwrw ]

bhouk marehi bho bho bho haaraa ||

They bark themselves to death; they bark and bark and howl in fear.

min qin JUTy kUVu kmwvih durmiq drgh hwrw hy ]15]

man than jhoothae koorr kamaavehi dhuramath dharageh haaraa hae ||15||

False in mind and body, they practice falsehood; through their evil-mindedness, they lose out in the Court of the Lord. ||15||

siqguru imlY q mnUAw tykY ]

sathigur milai th manooaa ttaekai ||

Meeting the True Guru, the mind is stabilized.

rwm nwmu dy srix prykY ]

raam naam dhae saran paraekai ||

One who seeks His Sanctuary is blessed with the Lord's Name.

hir Dnu nwmu Amolku dyvY hir jsu drgh ipAwrw hy ]16]

har dhhan naam amolak dhaevai har jas dharageh piaaraa hae ||16||

They are given the priceless wealth of the Lord's Name; singing His Praises, they are His beloveds in His court. ||16||

rwm nwmu swDU srxweI ]

raam naam saadhhoo saranaaee ||

In the Sanctuary of the Holy, chant the Lord's Name.

siqgur bcnI giq imiq pweI ]

sathigur bachanee gath mith paaee ||

Through the True Guru's Teachings, one comes to know His state and extent.

nwnk hir jip hir mn myry hir myly mylxhwrw hy ]17]3]9]

naanak har jap har man maerae har maelae maelanehaaraa hae ||17||3||9||

Nanak: chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind; the Lord, the Uniter, shall unite you with Himself. ||17||3||9||