SGGSAng 1030Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 152 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

Gir rhu ry mn mugD ieAwny ]

ghar rahu rae man mugadhh eiaanae ||

Remain in your own home, O my foolish and ignorant mind.

rwmu jphu AMqrgiq iDAwny ]

raam japahu antharagath dhhiaanae ||

Meditate on the Lord - concentrate deep within your being and meditate on Him.

lwlc Coif rchu Aprµpir ieau pwvhu mukiq duAwrw hy ]1]

aucwrx Ap-rµpir

laalach shhodd rachahu aparanpar eio paavahu mukath dhuaaraa hae ||1||

Renounce your greed, and merge with the infinite Lord. In this way, you shall find the door of liberation. ||1||

ijsu ibsirAY jmu johix lwgY ]

jis bisariai jam johan laagai ||

If you forget Him, the Messenger of Death will catch sight of you.

siB suK jwih duKw Puin AwgY ]

sabh sukh jaahi dhukhaa fun aagai ||

All peace will be gone, and you will suffer in pain in the world hereafter.

rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK jIAVy eyhu prm qqu vIcwrw hy ]2]

raam naam jap guramukh jeearrae eaehu param thath veechaaraa hae ||2||

Chant the Name of the Lord as Gurmukh, O my soul; this is the supreme essence of contemplation. ||2||

hir hir nwmu jphu rsu mITw ]

har har naam japahu ras meethaa ||

Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the sweetest essence.

gurmuiK hir rsu AMqir fITw ]

guramukh har ras anthar ddeethaa ||

As Gurmukh, see the essence of the Lord deep within.

Aihinis rwm rhhu rµig rwqy eyhu jpu qpu sMjmu swrw hy ]3]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

ahinis raam rehahu rang raathae eaehu jap thap sanjam saaraa hae ||3||

Day and night, remain imbued with the Lord's Love. This is the essence of all chanting, deep meditation and self-discipline. ||3||

rwm nwmu gur bcnI bolhu ]

raam naam gur bachanee bolahu ||

Speak the Guru's Word, and the Name of the Lord.

sMq sBw mih iehu rsu tolhu ]

aucwrx sBw: polw bolo

santh sabhaa mehi eihu ras ttolahu ||

In the Society of the Saints, search for this essence.

gurmiq Koij lhhu Gru Apnw bhuiV n grB mJwrw hy ]4]

guramath khoj lehahu ghar apanaa bahurr n garabh majhaaraa hae ||4||

Follow the Guru's Teachings - seek and find the home of your own self, and you shall never be consigned to the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||

scu qIriQ nwvhu hir gux gwvhu ]

aucwrx nwvhu: 'n' Bwrw krky

sach theerathh naavahu har gun gaavahu ||

Bathe at the sacred shrine of Truth, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

qqu vIcwrhu hir ilv lwvhu ]

thath veechaarahu har liv laavahu ||

Reflect upon the essence of reality, and lovingly focus your consciousness on the Lord.

AMq kwil jmu joih n swkY hir bolhu rwmu ipAwrw hy ]5]

anth kaal jam johi n saakai har bolahu raam piaaraa hae ||5||

At the very last moment, the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you, if you chant the Name of the Beloved Lord. ||5||

siqguru purKu dwqw vf dwxw ]

sathigur purakh dhaathaa vadd dhaanaa ||

The True Guru, the Primal Being, the Great Giver, is all-knowing.

ijsu AMqir swcu su sbid smwxw ]

jis anthar saach s sabadh samaanaa ||

Whoever has Truth within himself, merges in the Word of the Shabad.

ijs kau siqguru myil imlwey iqsu cUkw jm BY Bwrw hy ]6]

jis ko sathigur mael milaaeae this chookaa jam bhai bhaaraa hae ||6||

One whom the True Guru unites in Union, is rid of the overpowering fear of death. ||6||

pMc qqu imil kwieAw kInI ]

aucwrx kWieAW

panch thath mil kaaeiaa keenee ||

The body is formed from the union of the five elements.

iqs mih rwm rqnu lY cInI ]

this mehi raam rathan lai cheenee ||

Know that the Lord's jewel is within it.

Awqm rwmu rwmu hY Awqm hir pweIAY sbid vIcwrw hy ]7]

aatham raam raam hai aatham har paaeeai sabadh veechaaraa hae ||7||

The soul is the Lord, and the Lord is the soul; contemplating the Shabad, the Lord is found. ||7||

sq sµqoiK rhhu jn BweI ]

sath santhokh rehahu jan bhaaee ||

Abide in truth and contentment, O humble Siblings of Destiny.

iKmw ghhu siqgur srxweI ]

khimaa gehahu sathigur saranaaee ||

Hold tight to compassion and the Sanctuary of the True Guru.

Awqmu cIin prwqmu cInhu gur sµgiq iehu insqwrw hy ]8]

aucwrx p-rwqmu

aatham cheen paraatham cheenahu gur sangath eihu nisathaaraa hae ||8||

Know your soul, and know the Supreme Soul; associating with the Guru, you shall be emancipated. ||8||

swkq kUV kpt mih tykw ]

aucwrx kpt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`t); tykw: polw bolo

saakath koorr kapatt mehi ttaekaa ||

The faithless cynics are stuck in falsehood and deceit.

Aihinis inMdw krih Anykw ]

ahinis nindhaa karehi anaekaa ||

Day and night, they slander many others.

ibnu ismrn Awvih Puin jwvih gRB jonI nrk mJwrw hy ]9]

bin simaran aavehi fun jaavehi grabh jonee narak majhaaraa hae ||9||

Without meditative remembrance, they come and then go, and are cast into the hellish womb of reincarnation. ||9||

swkq jm kI kwix n cUkY ]

saakath jam kee kaan n chookai ||

The faithless cynic is not rid of his fear of death.

jm kw fMfu n kbhU mUkY ]

jam kaa ddandd n kabehoo mookai ||

The Messenger of Death's club is never taken away.

bwkI Drmrwie kI lIjY isir APirE Bwru APwrw hy ]10]

aucwrx AP-irE; A-Pwrw

baakee dhharam raae kee leejai sir afariou bhaar afaaraa hae ||10||

He has to answer to the Righteous Judge of Dharma for the account of his actions; the egotistical being carries the unbearable load. ||10||

ibnu gur swkqu khhu ko qirAw ]

bin gur saakath kehahu ko thariaa ||

Tell me: without the Guru, what faithless cynic has been saved?

haumY krqw Bvjil pirAw ]

houmai karathaa bhavajal pariaa ||

Acting egotistically, he falls into the terrifying world-ocean.

ibnu gur pwru n pwvY koeI hir jpIAY pwir auqwrw hy ]11]

bin gur paar n paavai koee har japeeai paar outhaaraa hae ||11||

Without the Guru, no one is saved; meditating on the Lord, they are carried across to the other side. ||11||

gur kI dwiq n mytY koeI ]

gur kee dhaath n maettai koee ||

No one can erase the Guru's blessings.

ijsu bKsy iqsu qwry soeI ]

jis bakhasae this thaarae soee ||

The Lord carries across those whom He forgives.

jnm mrx duKu nyiV n AwvY min so pRBu Apr Apwrw hy ]12]

aucwrx Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr)

janam maran dhukh naerr n aavai man so prabh apar apaaraa hae ||12||

The pains of birth and death do not even approach those whose minds are filled with God, the infinite and endless. ||12||

gur qy BUly Awvhu jwvhu ]

gur thae bhoolae aavahu jaavahu ||

Those who forget the Guru come and go in reincarnation.

jnim mrhu Puin pwp kmwvhu ]

janam marahu fun paap kamaavahu ||

They are born, only to die again, and continue committing sins.

swkq mUV Acyq n cyqih duKu lwgY qw rwmu pukwrw hy ]13]

saakath moorr achaeth n chaethehi dhukh laagai thaa raam pukaaraa hae ||13||

The unconscious, foolish, faithless cynic does not remember the Lord; but when he is stricken with pain, then he cries out for the Lord. ||13||

suKu duKu purb jnm ky kIey ]

sukh dhukh purab janam kae keeeae ||

Pleasure and pain are the consequences of the actions of past lives.

so jwxY ijin dwqY dIey ]

so jaanai jin dhaathai dheeeae ||

The Giver, who blesses us with these - He alone knows.

iks kau dosu dyih qU pRwxI shu Apxw kIAw krwrw hy ]14]

kis ko dhos dhaehi thoo praanee sahu apanaa keeaa karaaraa hae ||14||

So who can you blame, O mortal being? The hardships you suffer are from your own actions. ||14||

haumY mmqw krdw AwieAw ]

houmai mamathaa karadhaa aaeiaa ||

Practicing egotism and possessiveness, you have come into the world.

Awsw mnsw bµiD clwieAw ]

aasaa manasaa bandhh chalaaeiaa ||

Hope and desire bind you and lead you on.

myrI myrI krq ikAw ly cwly ibKu lwdy Cwr ibkwrw hy ]15]

maeree maeree karath kiaa lae chaalae bikh laadhae shhaar bikaaraa hae ||15||

Indulging in egotism and self-conceit, what will you be able to carry with you, except the load of ashes from poison and corruption? ||15||

hir kI Bgiq krhu jn BweI ]

har kee bhagath karahu jan bhaaee ||

Worship the Lord in devotion, O humble Siblings of Destiny.

AkQu kQhu mnu mnih smweI ]

akathh kathhahu man manehi samaaee ||

Speak the Unspoken Speech, and the mind will merge back into the Mind.

auiT clqw Twik rKhu Gir ApunY duKu kwty kwtxhwrw hy ]16]

outh chalathaa thaak rakhahu ghar apunai dhukh kaattae kaattanehaaraa hae ||16||

Restrain your restless mind within its own home, and the Lord, the Destroyer, shall destroy your pain. ||16||

hir gur pUry kI Et prwqI ]

har gur poorae kee outt paraathee ||

I seek the support of the Perfect Guru, the Lord.

gurmuiK hir ilv gurmuiK jwqI ]

guramukh har liv guramukh jaathee ||

The Gurmukh loves the Lord; the Gurmukh realizes the Lord.

nwnk rwm nwim miq aUqm hir bKsy pwir auqwrw hy ]17]4]10]

aucwrx m`iq

naanak raam naam math ootham har bakhasae paar outhaaraa hae ||17||4||10||

O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, the intellect is exalted; granting His forgiveness, the Lord carries him across to the other side. ||17||4||10||