SGGSAng 1255Raag MalarMahalla 113 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mlwr mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mlwr mh`lw pihlw

malaar mehalaa 1 ||

Malaar, First Mehl:

ijin Dn ipr kw swdu n jwinAw sw iblK bdn kumlwnI ]

jin dhhan pir kaa saadh n jaaniaa saa bilakh badhan kumalaanee ||

The soul-bride who has not known delight with her Husband Lord, shall weep and wail with a wretched face.

BeI inrwsI krm kI PwsI ibnu gur Brim BulwnI ]1]

bhee niraasee karam kee faasee bin gur bharam bhulaanee ||1||

She becomes hopeless, caught in the noose of her own karma; without the Guru, she wanders deluded by doubt. ||1||

brsu Gnw myrw ipru Gir AwieAw ]

baras ghanaa maeraa pir ghar aaeiaa ||

So rain down, O clouds. My Husband Lord has come home.

bil jwvW gur Apny pRIqm ijin hir pRBu Awix imlwieAw ]1] rhwau ]

bal jaavaan gur apanae preetham jin har prabh aan milaaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who has led me to meet my Lord God. ||1||Pause||

nauqn pRIiq sdw Twkur isau Anidnu Bgiq suhwvI ]

nouthan preeth sadhaa thaakur sio anadhin bhagath suhaavee ||

My love, my Lord and Master is forever fresh; I am embellished with devotional worship night and day.

mukiq Bey guir drsu idKwieAw juig juig Bgiq suBwvI ]2]

mukath bheae gur dharas dhikhaaeiaa jug jug bhagath subhaavee ||2||

I am liberated, gazing on the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. Devotional worship has made me glorious and exalted throughout the ages. ||2||

hm Qwry iqRBvx jgu qumrw qU myrw hau qyrw ]

ham thhaarae thribhavan jag thumaraa thoo maeraa ho thaeraa ||

I am Yours; the three worlds are Yours as well. You are mine, and I am Yours.

siqguir imilAY inrµjnu pwieAw bhuir n Bvjil Pyrw ]3]

sathigur miliai niranjan paaeiaa bahur n bhavajal faeraa ||3||

Meeting with the True Guru, I have found the Immaculate Lord; I shall not be consigned to this terrifying world-ocean ever again. ||3||

Apuny ipr hir dyiK ivgwsI qau Dn swcu sIgwro ]

apunae pir har dhaekh vigaasee tho dhhan saach seegaaro ||

If the soul-bride is filled with delight on seeing her Husband Lord, then her decorations are true.

Akul inrµjn isau sic swcI gurmiq nwmu ADwro ]4]

aucwrx A-kul

akul niranjan sio sach saachee guramath naam adhhaaro ||4||

With the Immaculate Celestial Lord, she becomes the truest of the true. Following the Guru's Teachings, she leans on the Support of the Naam. ||4||

mukiq BeI bµDn guir Kol@y sbid suriq piq pweI ]

mukath bhee bandhhan gur kholhae sabadh surath path paaee ||

She is liberated; the Guru has untied her bonds. Focusing her awareness on the Shabad, she attains honor.

nwnk rwm nwmu ird AMqir gurmuiK myil imlweI ]5]4]

naanak raam naam ridh anthar guramukh mael milaaee ||5||4||

O Nanak, the Lord's Name is deep within her heart; as Gurmukh, she is united in His Union. ||5||4||