SGGSAng 1254Raag MalarMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mlwr mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mlwr mh`lw pihlw

malaar mehalaa 1 ||

Malaar, First Mehl:

swcI suriq nwim nhI iqRpqy haumY krq gvwieAw ]

saachee surath naam nehee thripathae houmai karath gavaaeiaa ||

They pretend to understand the Truth, but they are not satisfied by the Naam; they waste their lives in egotism.

pr Dn pr nwrI rqu inMdw ibKu KweI duKu pwieAw ]

aucwrx r`qu

par dhhan par naaree rath nindhaa bikh khaaee dhukh paaeiaa ||

Caught in slander and attachment to the wealth and women of others, they eat poison and suffer in pain.

sbdu cIin@ BY kpt n CUty min muiK mwieAw mwieAw ]

aucwrx kpt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`t); min muiK: v`Krw krky

sabadh cheen bhai kapatt n shhoottae man mukh maaeiaa maaeiaa ||

They think about the Shabad, but they are not released from their fear and fraud; the minds and mouths are filled with Maya, Maya.

Ajgir Bwir ldy Aiq BwrI mir jnmy jnmu gvwieAw ]1]

aucwrx Aj-gir; l`dy; Aiq: polw bolo

ajagar bhaar ladhae ath bhaaree mar janamae janam gavaaeiaa ||1||

Loading the heavy and crushing load, they die, only to be reborn, and waste their lives again. ||1||

min BwvY sbdu suhwieAw ]

man bhaavai sabadh suhaaeiaa ||

The Word of the Shabad is so very beautiful; it is pleasing to my mind.

BRim BRim join ByK bhu kIny guir rwKy scu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ]

bhram bhram jon bhaekh bahu keenhae gur raakhae sach paaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

The mortal wanders lost in reincarnation, wearing various robes and clothes; when he is saved and protected by the Guru, then he finds the Truth. ||1||Pause||

qIriQ qyju invwir n nwqy hir kw nwmu n BwieAw ]

aucwrx nwqy: 'n; Bwrw krky

theerathh thaej nivaar n nhaathae har kaa naam n bhaaeiaa ||

He does not try to wash away his angry passions by bathing at sacred shrines. He does not love the Name of the Lord.

rqn pdwrQu prhir iqAwigAw jq ko qq hI AwieAw ]

rathan padhaarathh parehar thiaagiaa jath ko thath hee aaeiaa ||

He abandons and discards the priceless jewel, and he goes back from where he came.

ibstw kIt Bey auq hI qy auq hI mwih smwieAw ]

bisattaa keett bheae outh hee thae outh hee maahi samaaeiaa ||

And so he becomes a maggot in manure, and in that, he is absorbed.

AiDk suAwd rog AiDkweI ibnu gur shju n pwieAw ]2]

aucwrx AiD-kweI

adhhik suaadh rog adhhikaaee bin gur sehaj n paaeiaa ||2||

The more he tastes, the more he is diseased; without the Guru, there is no peace and poise. ||2||

syvw suriq rhis gux gwvw gurmuiK igAwnu bIcwrw ]

saevaa surath rehas gun gaavaa guramukh giaan beechaaraa ||

Focusing my awareness on selfless service, I joyfully sing His Praises. As Gurmukh, I contemplate spiritual wisdom.

KojI aupjY bwdI ibnsY hau bil bil gur krqwrw ]

khojee oupajai baadhee binasai ho bal bal gur karathaaraa ||

The seeker comes forth, and the debater dies down; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Guru, the Creator Lord.

hm nIc huoqy hIx miq JUTy qU sbid svwrxhwrw ]

aucwrx houqy: AONkV sihq bolo (huqy); m`iq

ham neech huothae heenamath jhoothae thoo sabadh savaaranehaaraa ||

I am low and wretched, with shallow and false understanding; You embellish and exalt me through the Word of Your Shabad.

Awqm cIin@ qhw qU qwrx scu qwry qwrxhwrw ]3]

aatham cheen thehaa thoo thaaran sach thaarae thaaranehaaraa ||3||

And wherever there is self-realization, You are there; O True Lord Savior, You save us and carry us across. ||3||

bYis suQwin khW gux qyry ikAw ikAw kQau Apwrw ]

bais suthhaan kehaan gun thaerae kiaa kiaa kathho apaaraa ||

Where should I sit to chant Your Praises; which of Your Infinite Praises should I chant?

AlKu n lKIAY Agmu AjonI qUµ nwQW nwQxhwrw ]

aucwrx Al`Ku

alakh n lakheeai agam ajonee thoon naathhaan naathhanehaaraa ||

The Unknown cannot be known; O Inaccessible, Unborn Lord God, You are the Lord and Master of masters.

iksu pih dyiK khau qU kYsw siB jwck qU dwqwrw ]

kis pehi dhaekh keho thoo kaisaa sabh jaachak thoo dhaathaaraa ||

How can I compare You to anyone else I see? All are beggars - You are the Great Giver.

Bgiq hIxu nwnku dir dyKhu ieku nwmu imlY auir Dwrw ]4]3]

bhagathiheen naanak dhar dhaekhahu eik naam milai our dhhaaraa ||4||3||

Lacking devotion, Nanak looks to Your Door; please bless him with Your One Name, that he may enshrine it in his heart. ||4||3||