Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

imsil dhwin qMig qU qMg Skr n bwSd

misal dhehaan thang thoo thang shakar n baashadh

A sugar bubble is no match to the beauty and touch of your closed lips,

eI imsl rw ik gu&qm zIN ^Ubqr n bwSd ] 32 ] 1 ]

ee misal raa k gufatham zeen khoobathar n baashadh || 32 || 1 ||

This is not a clich?. It is the truth unsurpassed. This is the best example that I can present here. (32) (1)

bw ihjr AwSnw SO gr qwilib vswlI

baa hijar aashanaa shaau gar thaalib vasaalee

If You are yearning for a meeting with Him, then get used to 'separation',

rh kY brI bmMzl qw rwhbr n bwSd ] 32 ] 2 ]

reh kai baree bamanzal thaa raahabar n baashadh || 32 || 2 ||

Separation is the only guide. If there is no one to steer your way, how can you ever reach your destination? (32) (2)

dwmwin cSm mguzwr Az dsq hmcU imzgW

dhaamaan chasham maguzaar az dhasath hamachoo mizagaana

Do not let go the hem of the (hands of) eyelids just as the eyelids are holding on to the eyes until,

qw jyib AwrzUhw pur Az guhr n bwSd ] 32 ] 3 ]

thaa jaeb aarazoohaa pur az guhar n baashadh || 32 || 3 ||

Your pocket of wishes is not filled with diamonds and pearls. (32) (3)

Swi^ aumIid AwSik hrigz smr nih gIrd

shaakh oumeedh aashak haragiz samar nehi geeradha

The branch (of the tree) of hope of a lover never blossoms unless

Az ASik Awib imzgW qW sbz-qr nih bwSd ] 32 ] 4 ]

az ashak aab mizagaan thaan sabaza-thar nehi baashadh || 32 || 4 ||

It receives irrigation from the drops of water (tears) of the eyelids. (32) (4)

AY buAl&zUl goXw Az ieSik aU m`zn dm

ai bualafazool goyaa az eishak oo mazan dhama

O you dunce Goyaa! Why are you engaging in useless talk? Do not brag about your love for him, the Guru,

ko pw nhd drIN rih AW rw sr nih bwSd ] 32 ] 5 ]

ko paa nehadh dhareen rehi aan raa sar nehi baashadh || 32 || 5 ||

Because, only those who have already had their heads severed from their bodies are entitled to tread this path. (32) (5)