SGGSAng 108Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

soeI krxw ij Awip krwey ]

soee karanaa j aap karaaeae ||

People do whatever the Lord inspires them to do.

ijQY rKY sw BlI jwey ]

jithhai rakhai saa bhalee jaaeae ||

Wherever He keeps us is a good place.

soeI isAwxw so piqvµqw hukmu lgY ijsu mITw jIau ]1]

soee siaanaa so pathivanthaa hukam lagai jis meethaa jeeo ||1||

That person is clever and honorable, unto whom the Hukam of the Lord's Command seems sweet. ||1||

sB proeI iekqu DwgY ]

aucwrx iekqu: polw bolo (ASuD: iek`qu)

sabh paroee eikath dhhaagai ||

Everything is strung upon the One String of the Lord.

ijsu lwie ley so crxI lwgY ]

jis laae leae so charanee laagai ||

Those whom the Lord attaches, are attached to His Feet.

aUND kvlu ijsu hoie pRgwsw iqin srb inrµjnu fITw jIau ]2]

oonadhh kaval jis hoe pragaasaa thin sarab niranjan ddeethaa jeeo ||2||

Those, whose inverted lotus of the crown chakra is illuminated, see the Immaculate Lord everywhere. ||2||

qyrI mihmw qUµhY jwxih ]

thaeree mehimaa thoonhai jaanehi ||

Only You Yourself know Your Glory.

Apxw Awpu qUµ Awip pCwxih ]

apanaa aap thoon aap pashhaanehi ||

You Yourself recognize Your Own Self.

hau bilhwrI sMqn qyry ijin kwmu kRoDu loBu pITw jIau ]3]

ho balihaaree santhan thaerae jin kaam krodhh lobh peethaa jeeo ||3||

I am a sacrifice to Your Saints, who have crushed their sexual desire, anger and greed. ||3||

qUµ inrvYru sMq qyry inrml ]

thoon niravair santh thaerae niramal ||

You have no hatred or vengeance; Your Saints are immaculate and pure.

ijn dyKy sB auqrih klml ]

jin dhaekhae sabh outharehi kalamal ||

Seeing them, all sins depart.

nwnk nwmu iDAwie iDAwie jIvY ibnisAw BRmu Bau DITw jIau ]4]42]49]

naanak naam dhhiaae dhhiaae jeevai binasiaa bhram bho dhheethaa jeeo ||4||42||49||

Nanak lives by meditating, meditating on the Naam. His stubborn doubt and fear have departed. ||4||42||49||