SGGSAng 109Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mWJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mWJ mh`lw pMjvw

maanjh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

JUTw mMgxu jy koeI mwgY ]

jhoothaa mangan jae koee maagai ||

One who asks for a false gift,

iqs kau mrqy GVI n lwgY ]

this ko marathae gharree n laagai ||

Shall not take even an instant to die.

pwrbRhmu jo sdhI syvY so gur imil inhclu khxw ]1]

aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham jo sadh hee saevai so gur mil nihachal kehanaa ||1||

But one who continually serves the Supreme Lord God and meets the Guru, is said to be immortal. ||1||

pRym Bgiq ijskY min lwgI ]

praem bhagath jis kai man laagee ||

One whose mind is dedicated to loving devotional worship

gux gwvY Anidnu iniq jwgI ]

gun gaavai anadhin nith jaagee ||

Sings His Glorious Praises night and day, and remains forever awake and aware.

bwh pkiV iqsu suAwmI mylY ijskY msqik lhxw ]2]

baah pakarr this suaamee maelai jis kai masathak lehanaa ||2||

Taking him by the hand, the Lord and Master merges into Himself that person, upon whose forehead such destiny is written. ||2||

crn kml BgqW min vuTy ]

charan kamal bhagathaan man vuthae ||

His Lotus Feet dwell in the minds of His devotees.

ivxu prmysr sgly muTy ]

vin paramaesar sagalae muthae ||

Without the Transcendent Lord, all are plundered.

sMq jnW kI DUiV inq bWCih nwmu scy kw ghxw ]3]

santh janaan kee dhhoorr nith baanshhehi naam sachae kaa gehanaa ||3||

I long for the dust of the feet of His humble servants. The Name of the True Lord is my decoration. ||3||

aUTq bYTq hir hir gweIAY ]

oothath baithath har har gaaeeai ||

Standing up and sitting down, I sing the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

ijsu ismrq vru inhclu pweIAY ]

jis simarath var nihachal paaeeai ||

Meditating in remembrance on Him, I obtain my Eternal Husband Lord.

nwnk kau pRB hoie dieAwlw qyrw kIqw shxw ]4]43]50]

naanak ko prabh hoe dhaeiaalaa thaeraa keethaa sehanaa ||4||43||50||

God has become merciful to Nanak. I cheerfully accept Your Will. ||4||43||50||