16: gurU pRIq sB qoN au`cI hY
Highest is the love for Guru
mwlu mulku cqurMg dl dunIAw piqswhI ]
maalu mulaku chaturang dal douneeaa patisaahee.
If being master of army having four divisions (elephant, chariot, horse and infantry), country and the wealth;
iriD isiD iniD bhu krwmwiq sB Klk aumwhI ]
ridhi sidhi nidhi bahu karaamaati sabh khalak oumaahee.
If having attraction for others due to possession of miracles through ridhis and siddhis;
icru jIvxu bhu hMFxW gux igAwn augwhI ]
chiru jeevanu bahu handdhanaa goun giaan ougaahee.
If living a long life full of qualities and knowledge
horsu iksY n jwxeI iciq byprvwhI ]
horasu kisai n jaanaee chiti bayparavaahee.
And if being enough powerful to care for nobody is still engrossed in dilemma,
drgh FoeI nw lhY duibDw bdrwhI ]
daragah ddhoee n lahai doubidhaa badaraahee.
He cannot have shelter in the court of Lord.
pIr murIdW iprhVI prvwxu su GwhI ]16]
peer mureedaan piraharhee paravaanu su ghaahee ||16||
Due to love for his Guru, even an ordinary grass cutter Sikh becomes acceptable.