17: gurU nwl dw rUp pRIq
Everything futile except love for the Guru ,
ivxu guru horu iDAwnu hY sB dUjw Bwau ]
vinu guru horu dhiaanu hai sabh doojaa bhaau.
The concentration except on Guru is all duality.
ivxu gur sbd igAwnu hY iPkw Awlwau ]
vinu gur sabad giaanu hai dhikaa aalaau.
The knowledge except theknowledge of the Guru-word is a cry in vain.
ivxu gur crxw pUjxw sBu kUVw suAwau ]
vinu gur charanaan poojanaa sabhu koorhaa suaau.
Worship except the Guru feet is all false and selfishness.
ivxu guru bcnu ju mMnxw aUrw prQwau ]
vinu gur bachanu ju mannanaa ooraa paradaau.
Except the acceptance of the teaching of the Guru, all other means are incomplete.
swDsMgiq ivxu sMgu hY sBu kcw cwau ]
saadhasangati vinu sangu hai sabhu kachaa chaau.
Except the meeting in the holy congregation, all other assemblages are fragile.
pIr murIdW iprhVI ijix jwxin dwau ]17]
peer mureedaan piraharhee jini jaanani daau ||17||
The Sikhs loving their Guru, know well to win the game (of life).