SGGSAng 764Raag SuhiChhant Mahalla 126 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 Gru 3

aucwrx rwgu sUhI mh`lw pihlw Cµq Gru qIjw

raag soohee mehalaa 1 ghar 3

Raag Soohee, First Mehl, Third House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awvhu sjxw hau dyKw drsnu qyrw rwm ]

aavahu sajanaa ho dhaekhaa dharasan thaeraa raam ||

Come, my friend, so that I may behold the blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

Gir AwpnVY KVI qkw mY min cwau Gnyrw rwm ]

aucwrx q`kw

ghar aapanarrai kharree thakaa mai man chaao ghanaeraa raam ||

I stand in my doorway, watching for You; my mind is filled with such a great yearning.

min cwau Gnyrw suix pRB myrw mY qyrw Brvwsw ]

man chaao ghanaeraa sun prabh maeraa mai thaeraa bharavaasaa ||

My mind is filled with such a great yearning; hear me, O God - I place my faith in You.

drsnu dyiK BeI inhkyvl jnm mrx duKu nwsw ]

dharasan dhaekh bhee nihakaeval janam maran dhukh naasaa ||

Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, I have become free of desire; the pains of birth and death are taken away.

sglI joiq jwqw qU soeI imilAw Bwie suBwey ]

aucwrx suBwey: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

sagalee joth jaathaa thoo soee miliaa bhaae subhaaeae ||

Your Light is in everyone; through it, You are known. Through love, You are easily met.

nwnk swjn kau bil jweIAY swic imly Gir Awey ]1]

naanak saajan ko bal jaaeeai saach milae ghar aaeae ||1||

O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to my Friend; He has come home to meet with those who are true. ||1||

Gir AwieAVy swjnw qw Dn KrI srsI rwm ]

ghar aaeiarrae saajanaa thaa dhhan kharee sarasee raam ||

When her Friend comes to her home, the bride is very pleased.

hir moihAVI swc sbid Twkur dyiK rhµsI rwm ]

har mohiarree saach sabadh thaakur dhaekh rehansee raam ||

She is fascinated with the True Word of the Lord's Shabad; gazing upon her Lord and Master, she is filled with joy.

gux sµig rhµsI KrI srsI jw rwvI rµig rwqY ]

aucwrx rwqY: Bwrw krky bolo

gun sang rehansee kharee sarasee jaa raavee rang raathai ||

She is filled with virtuous joy, and is totally pleased, when she is ravished and enjoyed by her Lord, and imbued with His Love.

Avgx mwir guxI Gru CwieAw pUrY puriK ibDwqY ]

avagan maar gunee ghar shhaaeiaa poorai purakh bidhhaathai ||

Her faults and demerits are eradicated, and she roofs her home with virtue, through the Perfect Lord, the Architect of Destiny.

qskr mwir vsI pMcwieix Adlu kry vIcwry ]

aucwrx Adlu: polw bolo (ASuD: A-dlu)

thasakar maar vasee panchaaein adhal karae veechaarae ||

Conquering the thieves, she dwells as the mistress of her home, and administers justice wisely.

nwnk rwm nwim insqwrw gurmiq imlih ipAwry ]2]

naanak raam naam nisathaaraa guramath milehi piaarae ||2||

O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, she is emancipated; through the Guru's Teachings, she meets her Beloved. ||2||

vru pwieAVw bwlVIey Awsw mnsw pUrI rwm ]

var paaeiarraa baalarreeeae aasaa manasaa pooree raam ||

The young bride has found her Husband Lord; her hopes and desires are fulfilled.

ipir rwivAVI sbid rlI riv rihAw nh dUrI rwm ]

pir raaviarree sabadh ralee rav rehiaa neh dhooree raam ||

She enjoys and ravishes her Husband Lord, and blends into the Word of the Shabad, pervading and permeating everywhere; the Lord is not far away.

pRBu dUir n hoeI Git Git soeI iqs kI nwir sbweI ]

prabh dhoor n hoee ghatt ghatt soee this kee naar sabaaee ||

God is not far away; He is in each and every heart. All are His brides.

Awpy rsIAw Awpy rwvy ijau iqsdI vifAweI ]

aapae raseeaa aapae raavae jio this dhee vaddiaaee ||

He Himself is the Enjoyer, He Himself ravishes and enjoys; this is His glorious greatness.

Amr Afolu Amolu Apwrw guir pUrY scu pweIAY ]

aucwrx Amr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-mr)

amar addol amol apaaraa gur poorai sach paaeeai ||

He is imperishable, immovable, invaluable and infinite. The True Lord is obtained through the Perfect Guru.

nwnk Awpy jog sjogI ndir kry ilv lweIAY ]3]

aucwrx sjogI: it`pI rihq bolo

naanak aapae jog sajogee nadhar karae liv laaeeai ||3||

O Nanak, He Himself unites in Union; by His Glance of Grace, He lovingly attunes them to Himself. ||3||

ipru aucVIAY mwVVIAY iqhu loAw isrqwjw rwm ]

pir oucharreeai maarrarreeai thihu loaa sirathaajaa raam ||

My Husband Lord dwells in the loftiest balcony; He is the Supreme Lord of the three worlds.

hau ibsm BeI dyiK guxw Anhd sbd Agwjw rwm ]

ho bisam bhee dhaekh gunaa anehadh sabadh agaajaa raam ||

I am amazed, gazing upon His glorious excellence; the unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates and resonates.

sbdu vIcwrI krxI swrI rwm nwmu nIswxo ]

sabadh veechaaree karanee saaree raam naam neesaano ||

I contemplate the Shabad, and perform sublime deeds; I am blessed with the insignia, the banner of the Lord's Name.

nwm ibnw Koty nhI Twhr nwmu rqnu prvwxo ]

naam binaa khottae nehee thaahar naam rathan paravaano ||

Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the false find no place of rest; only the jewel of the Naam brings acceptance and renown.

piq miq pUrI pUrw prvwnw nw AwvY nw jwsI ]

aucwrx m`iq

path math pooree pooraa paravaanaa naa aavai naa jaasee ||

Perfect is my honor, perfect is my intellect and password. I shall not have to come or go.

nwnk gurmuiK Awpu pCwxY pRB jYsy AivnwsI ]4]1]3]

naanak guramukh aap pashhaanai prabh jaisae avinaasee ||4||1||3||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh understands her own self; she becomes like her Imperishable Lord God. ||4||1||3||