Bhai Gurdas JiAng 13Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 137 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

8: iprm rs

Joy of love

rUp srUp AnUp lK ieMdR purI vsMdy ]

roop saroop anoop lakh indr puree vasanday.

Millions of handsome people reside in the Indrapuri;

rMg ibrMg surMg lK bYkuMT rhMdy ]

rang birang surang lakh baikountd rahanday.

Millions of beautiful people reside in the heaven;

lK jobn sIgwr lK lK vys krMdy ]

lakh joban seegaar lakh lakh vays karanday.

Millions of young persons wear many types of attires;

lK dIvy lK qwirAW joiq sUrj cMdy ]

lakh deevay lakh taariaan joti sooraj chanday.

Millions are the lights of millions of lamps, stars, suns and moons;

rqn jvwhr lKmxI jgmg thkMdy ]

ratan javaahar lakh manee jagamag tahakanday.

Millions of lights of jewels and rubies also glitter.

gurmuiK suK Plu iprm rs joqI n pujMdy ]8]

guramoukhi soukh phalu piram ras jotee n pujanday ||8||

But all these lights cannot reach up to the light of the elixir of love i.e. all these lights are pale before it.