SGGSAng 480Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio12 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


hm mskIn KudweI bµdy qum rwjsu min BwvY ]

ham masakeen khudhaaee bandhae thum raajas man bhaavai ||

I am Your humble servant, Lord; Your Praises are pleasing to my mind.

Alh Avil dIn ko swihbu joru nhI PurmwvY ]1]

aucwrx A`lh; A`vil

aleh aval dheen ko saahib jor nehee furamaavai ||1||

The Lord, the Primal Being, the Master of the poor, does not ordain that they should be oppressed. ||1||

kwjI boilAw bin nhI AwvY ]1] rhwau ]

kaajee boliaa ban nehee aavai ||1|| rehaao ||

O Qazi, it is not right to speak before Him. ||1||Pause||

rojw DrY invwj gujwrY klmw iBsiq n hoeI ]

aucwrx rojw: Bwrw krky

rojaa dhharai nivaaj gujaarai kalamaa bhisath n hoee ||

Keeping your fasts, reciting your prayers, and reading the Kalma, the Islamic creed, shall not take you to paradise.

sqir kwbw Gt hI BIqir jy kir jwnY koeI ]2]

aucwrx sqir: polw bolo (ASuD: s`qir)

sathar kaabaa ghatt hee bheethar jae kar jaanai koee ||2||

The Temple of Mecca is hidden within your mind, if you only knew it. ||2||

invwj soeI jo inAwau ibcwrY klmw Aklih jwnY ]

aucwrx Aklih: polw bolo (ASuD: A-klih)

nivaaj soee jo niaao bichaarai kalamaa akalehi jaanai ||

That should be your prayer, to administer justice. Let your Kalma be the knowledge of the unknowable Lord.

pwchu muis muslw ibCwvY qb qau dInu pCwnY ]3]

aucwrx mus`lw

paachahu mus musalaa bishhaavai thab tho dheen pashhaanai ||3||

Spread your prayer mat by conquering your five desires, and you shall recognize the true religion. ||3||

Ksmu pCwin qrs kir jIA mih mwir mxI kir PIkI ]

khasam pashhaan tharas kar jeea mehi maar manee kar feekee ||

Recognize Your Lord and Master, and fear Him within your heart; conquer your egotism, and make it worthless.

Awpu jnwie Avr kau jwnY qb hoie iBsq srIkI ]4]

aap janaae avar ko jaanai thab hoe bhisath sareekee ||4||

As you see yourself, see others as well; only then will you become a partner in heaven. ||4||

mwtI eyk ByK Dir nwnw qw mih bRhmu pCwnw ]

aucwrx nwnw: pihlw 'n' Bwrw krky; bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

maattee eaek bhaekh dhhar naanaa thaa mehi breham pashhaanaa ||

The clay is one, but it has taken many forms; I recognize the One Lord within them all.

khY kbIrw iBsq Coif kir dojk isau mnu mwnw ]5]4]17]

kehai kabeeraa bhisath shhodd kar dhojak sio man maanaa ||5||4||17||

Says Kabeer, I have abandoned paradise, and reconciled my mind to hell. ||5||4||17||