SGGSAng 1139Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

ijsu qU rwKih iqsu kaunu mwrY ]

jis thoo raakhehi this koun maarai ||

Who can kill that person whom You protect, O Lord?

sB quJ hI AMqir sgl sµswrY ]

sabh thujh hee anthar sagal sansaarai ||

All beings, and the entire universe, is within You.

koit aupwv icqvq hY pRwxI ]

kott oupaav chithavath hai praanee ||

The mortal thinks up millions of plans,

so hovY ij krY coj ivfwxI ]1]

so hovai j karai choj viddaanee ||1||

But that alone happens, which the Lord of wondrous plays does. ||1||

rwKhu rwKhu ikrpw Dwir ]

raakhahu raakhahu kirapaa dhhaar ||

Save me, save me, O Lord; shower me with Your Mercy.

qyrI srix qyrY drvwir ]1] rhwau ]

thaeree saran thaerai dharavaar ||1|| rehaao ||

I seek Your Sanctuary, and Your Court. ||1||Pause||

ijin syivAw inrBau suKdwqw ]

jin saeviaa nirabho sukhadhaathaa ||

Whoever serves the Fearless Lord, the Giver of Peace,

iqin Bau dUir kIAw eyku prwqw ]

thin bho dhoor keeaa eaek paraathaa ||

Is rid of all his fears; he knows the One Lord.

jo qU krih soeI Puin hoie ]

jo thoo karehi soee fun hoe ||

Whatever You do, that alone comes to pass in the end.

mwrY n rwKY dUjw koie ]2]

maarai n raakhai dhoojaa koe ||2||

There is no other who can kill or protect us. ||2||

ikAw qU socih mwxs bwix ]

kiaa thoo sochehi maanas baan ||

What do you think, with your human understanding?

AMqrjwmI purKu sujwxu ]

antharajaamee purakh sujaan ||

The All-knowing Lord is the Searcher of Hearts.

eyk tyk eyko AwDwru ]

eaek ttaek eaeko aadhhaar ||

The One and only Lord is my Support and Protection.

sB ikCu jwxY isrjxhwru ]3]

sabh kishh jaanai sirajanehaar ||3||

The Creator Lord knows everything. ||3||

ijsu aUpir ndir kry krqwru ]

jis oopar nadhar karae karathaar ||

That person who is blessed by the Creator's Glance of Grace

iqsu jn ky siB kwj svwir ]

this jan kae sabh kaaj savaar ||

All his affairs are resolved.

iqs kw rwKw eyko soie ]

this kaa raakhaa eaeko soe ||

The One Lord is his Protector.

jn nwnk ApiV n swkY koie ]4]4]17]

aucwrx A`piV

jan naanak aparr n saakai koe ||4||4||17||

O servant Nanak, no one can equal him. ||4||4||17||