SGGSAng 1140Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

qau kVIAY jy hovY bwhir ]

tho karreeai jae hovai baahar ||

We should feel sad, if God were beyond us.

qau kVIAY jy ivsrY nrhir ]

tho karreeai jae visarai narehar ||

We should feel sad, if we forget the Lord.

qau kVIAY jy dUjw Bwey ]

tho karreeai jae dhoojaa bhaaeae ||

We should feel sad, if we are in love with duality.

ikAw kVIAY jW rihAw smwey ]1]

kiaa karreeai jaan rehiaa samaaeae ||1||

But why should we feel sad? The Lord is pervading everywhere. ||1||

mwieAw moih kVy kiV picAw ]

maaeiaa mohi karrae karr pachiaa ||

In love and attachment to Maya, the mortals are sad, and are consumed by sadness.

ibnu nwvY BRim BRim BRim KipAw ]1] rhwau ]

bin naavai bhram bhram bhram khapiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Name, they wander and wander and wander, and waste away. ||1||Pause||

qau kVIAY jy dUjw krqw ]

tho karreeai jae dhoojaa karathaa ||

We should feel sad, if there were another Creator Lord.

qau kVIAY jy AinAwie ko mrqw ]

tho karreeai jae aniaae ko marathaa ||

We should feel sad, if someone dies by injustice.

qau kVIAY jy ikCu jwxY nwhI ]

tho karreeai jae kishh jaanai naahee ||

We should feel sad, if something were not known to the Lord.

ikAw kVIAY jW BrpUir smwhI ]2]

kiaa karreeai jaan bharapoor samaahee ||2||

But why should we feel sad? The Lord is totally permeating everywhere. ||2||

qau kVIAY jy ikCu hoie iD|wxY ]

tho karreeai jae kishh hoe dhhin(g)aanai ||

We should feel sad, if God were a tyrant.

qau kVIAY jy BUil rM\wxY ]

tho karreeai jae bhool rannjaanai ||

We should feel sad, if He made us suffer by mistake.

guir kihAw jo hoie sBu pRB qy ]

gur kehiaa jo hoe sabh prabh thae ||

The Guru says that whatever happens is all by God's Will.

qb kwVw Coif AicMq hm soqy ]3]

thab kaarraa shhodd achinth ham sothae ||3||

So I have abandoned sadness, and I now sleep without anxiety. ||3||

pRB qUhY Twkuru sBu ko qyrw ]

prabh thoohai thaakur sabh ko thaeraa ||

O God, You alone are my Lord and Master; all belong to You.

ijau BwvY iqauˆ krih inbyrw ]

jio bhaavai thio karehi nibaeraa ||

According to Your Will, You pass judgement.

duqIAw nwsiq ieku rihAw smwie ]

aucwrx nwsiq: iek`Tw bolo

dhutheeaa naasath eik rehiaa samaae ||

There is no other at all; the One Lord is permeating and pervading everywhere.

rwKhu pYj nwnk srxwie ]4]5]18]

raakhahu paij naanak saranaae ||4||5||18||

Please save Nanak's honor; I have come to Your Sanctuary. ||4||5||18||