BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
inkit buJY so burw ikau krY ]
aucwrx bu`JY
nikatt bujhai so buraa kio karai ||
How can anyone do evil, if he realizes that the Lord is near?
ibKu sµcY inq frqw iPrY ]
bikh sanchai nith ddarathaa firai ||
One who gathers corruption, constantly feels fear.
hY inkty Aru Bydu n pwieAw ]
hai nikattae ar bhaedh n paaeiaa ||
He is near, but this mystery is not understood.
ibnu siqgur sB mohI mwieAw ]1]
bin sathigur sabh mohee maaeiaa ||1||
Without the True Guru, all are enticed by Maya. ||1||
nyVY nyVY sBu ko khY ]
naerrai naerrai sabh ko kehai ||
Everyone says that He is near, near at hand.
gurmuiK Bydu ivrlw ko lhY ]1] rhwau ]
guramukh bhaedh viralaa ko lehai ||1|| rehaao ||
But rare is that person, who, as Gurmukh, understands this mystery. ||1||Pause||
inkit n dyKY pr igRih jwie ]
nikatt n dhaekhai par grihi jaae ||
The mortal does not see the Lord near at hand; instead, he goes to the homes of others.
drbu ihrY imiQAw kir Kwie ]
dharab hirai mithhiaa kar khaae ||
He steals their wealth and lives in falsehood.
peI TgaurI hir sµig n jwinAw ]
pee thagouree har sang n jaaniaa ||
Under the influence of the drug of illusion, he does not know that the Lord is with him.
bwJu gurU hY Brim BulwinAw ]2]
baajh guroo hai bharam bhulaaniaa ||2||
Without the Guru, he is confused and deluded by doubt. ||2||
inkit n jwnY bolY kUVu ]
nikatt n jaanai bolai koorr ||
Not understanding that the Lord is near, he tells lies.
mwieAw moih mUTw hY mUVu ]
maaeiaa mohi moothaa hai moorr ||
In love and attachment to Maya, the fool is plundered.
AMqir vsqu idsµqir jwie ]
anthar vasath dhisanthar jaae ||
That which he seeks is within his own self, but he looks for it outside.
bwJu gurU hY Brim Bulwie ]3]
baajh guroo hai bharam bhulaae ||3||
Without the Guru, he is confused and deluded by doubt. ||3||
ijsu msqik krmu iliKAw illwt ]
jis masathak karam likhiaa lilaatt ||
One whose good karma is recorded on his forehead
siqguru syvy Kuly kpwt ]
aucwrx kpwt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`wt)
sathigur saevae khulhae kapaatt ||
Serves the True Guru; thus the hard and heavy shutters of his mind are opened wide.
AMqir bwhir inkty soie ]
aucwrx ink-ty
anthar baahar nikattae soe ||
Within his own being and beyond, he sees the Lord near at hand.
jn nwnk AwvY n jwvY koie ]4]3]16]
jan naanak aavai n jaavai koe ||4||3||16||
O servant Nanak, he does not come and go in reincarnation. ||4||3||16||