SGGSAng 1252Raag SarangNaamdeyo Ji Ki6 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

dws AinMn myro inj rUp ]

aucwrx A-inMn

dhaas aninn maero nij roop ||

Says God: my slave is devoted only to me; he is in my very image.

drsn inmK qwp qReI mocn prsq mukiq krq igRh kUp ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx pr-sq

dharasan nimakh thaap three mochan parasath mukath karath grih koop ||1|| rehaao ||

The sight of him, even for an instant, cures the three fevers; his touch brings liberation from the deep dark pit of household affairs. ||1||Pause||

myrI bWDI Bgqu CfwvY bWDY Bgqu n CUtY moih ]

maeree baandhhee bhagath shhaddaavai baandhhai bhagath n shhoottai mohi ||

The devotee can release anyone from my bondage, but I cannot release anyone from his.

eyk smY mokau gih bWDY qau Puin mo pY jbwbu n hoie ]1]

eaek samai mo ko gehi baandhhai tho fun mo pai jabaab n hoe ||1||

If, at any time, he grabs and binds me, even then, I cannot protest. ||1||

mY gun bMD sgl kI jIvin myrI jIvin myry dws ]

mai gun bandhh sagal kee jeevan maeree jeevan maerae dhaas ||

I am bound by virtue; I am the Life of all. My slaves are my very life.

nwmdyv jw ky jIA AYsI qYso qw kY pRym pRgws ]2]3]

naamadhaev jaa kae jeea aisee thaiso thaa kai praem pragaas ||2||3||

Says Naam Dayv, as is the quality of his soul, so is my love which illuminates him. ||2||3||