SGGSAng 1252Raag SarangNaamdeyo Ji Ki6 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

bdhu kI n hof mwDau mo isau ]

badhahu kee n hodd maadhho mo sio ||

Why not make a bet with me, O Lord of Wealth?

Twkur qy jnu jn qy Twkuru Kylu pirE hY qo isau ]1] rhwau ]

thaakur thae jan jan thae thaakur khael pariou hai tho sio ||1|| rehaao ||

From the master comes the servant, and from the servant, comes the master. This is the game I play with You. ||1||Pause||

Awpn dyau dyhurw Awpn Awp lgwvY pUjw ]

aapan dhaeo dhaehuraa aapan aap lagaavai poojaa ||

You Yourself are the deity, and You are the temple of worship. You are the devoted worshipper.

jl qy qrµg qrµg qy hY jlu khn sunn kau dUjw ]1]

jal thae tharang tharang thae hai jal kehan sunan ko dhoojaa ||1||

From the water, the waves rise up, and from the waves, the water. They are only different by figures of speech. ||1||

Awpih gwvY Awpih nwcY Awp bjwvY qUrw ]

aapehi gaavai aapehi naachai aap bajaavai thooraa ||

You Yourself sing, and You Yourself dance. You Yourself blow the bugle.

khq nwmdyau qUµ myro Twkuru jnu aUrw qU pUrw ]2]2]

kehath naamadhaeo thoon maero thaakur jan ooraa thoo pooraa ||2||2||

Says Naam Dayv, You are my Lord and Master. Your humble servant is imperfect; You are perfect. ||2||2||