SGGSAng 1158Raag BhaironBhagat Kabir Jio10 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

mwQy iqlku hiQ mwlw bwnW ]

maathhae thilak hathh maalaa baanaan ||

Some apply ceremonial marks to their foreheads, hold malas in their hands, and wear religious robes.

logn rwmu iKlaunw jwnW ]1]

logan raam khilounaa jaanaan ||1||

Some people think that the Lord is a play-thing. ||1||

jau hau baurw qau rwm qorw ]

jo ho bouraa tho raam thoraa ||

If I am insane, then I am Yours, O Lord.

logu mrmu kh jwnY morw ]1] rhwau ]

log maram keh jaanai moraa ||1|| rehaao ||

How can people know my secret? ||1||Pause||

qorau n pwqI pUjau n dyvw ]

thoro n paathee poojo n dhaevaa ||

I do not pick leaves as offerings, and I do not worship idols.

rwm Bgiq ibnu inhPl syvw ]2]

raam bhagath bin nihafal saevaa ||2||

Without devotional worship of the Lord, service is useless. ||2||

siqguru pUjau sdw sdw mnwvau ]

sathigur poojo sadhaa sadhaa manaavo ||

I worship the True Guru; forever and ever, I surrender to Him.

AYsI syv drgh suKu pwvau ]3]

aisee saev dharageh sukh paavo ||3||

By such service, I find peace in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

logu khY kbIru baurwnw ]

log kehai kabeer bouraanaa ||

People say that Kabeer has gone insane.

kbIr kw mrmu rwm pihcwnW ]4]6]

kabeer kaa maram raam pehichaanaan ||4||6||

Only the Lord realizes the secret of Kabeer. ||4||6||