SGGSAng 1243Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 48 linesGuru Angad Dev Ji

slok mÚ 2 ]

aucwrx slok mh`lw dUjw

salok ma 2 ||

Shalok, Second Mehl:

kQw khwxI bydˆØI AwxI pwpu puMnu bIcwru ]

kathhaa kehaanee baedhanaee aanee paap punn beechaar ||

The Vedas bring forth stories and legends, and thoughts of vice and virtue.

dy dy lYxw lY lY dyxw nrik surig Avqwr ]

aucwrx lY lY: v`Krw krky

dhae dhae lainaa lai lai dhaenaa narak surag avathaar ||

What is given, they receive, and what is received, they give. They are reincarnated in heaven and hell.

auqm miDm jwqIN ijnsI Brim BvY sMswru ]

outham madhhim jaatheen jinasee bharam bhavai sansaar ||

High and low, social class and status - the world wanders lost in superstition.

AMimRq bwxI qqu vKwxI igAwn iDAwn ivic AweI ]

anmrith baanee thath vakhaanee giaan dhhiaan vich aaee ||

The Ambrosial Word of Gurbani proclaims the essence of reality. Spiritual wisdom and meditation are contained within it.

gurmuiK AwKI gurmuiK jwqI surqˆØI krim iDAweI ]

guramukh aakhee guramukh jaathee surathanaee karam dhhiaaee ||

The Gurmukhs chant it, and the Gurmukhs realize it. Intuitively aware, they meditate on it.

hukmu swij hukmY ivic rKY hukmY AMdir vyKY ]

hukam saaj hukamai vich rakhai hukamai andhar vaekhai ||

By the Hukam of His Command, He formed the Universe, and in His Hukam, He keeps it. By His Hukam, He keeps it under His Gaze.

nwnk Aghu haumY qutY qW ko ilKIAY lyKY ]1]

aucwrx A-ghu

naanak agahu houmai thuttai thaan ko likheeai laekhai ||1||

O Nanak, if the mortal shatters his ego before he departs, as it is pre-ordained, then he is approved. ||1||