SGGSAng 1243Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 47 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

1 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pihlw

ma 1 ||

First Mehl:

bydu pukwry puMnu pwpu surg nrk kw bIau ]

baedh pukaarae punn paap surag narak kaa beeo ||

The Vedas proclaim that vice and virtue are the seeds of heaven and hell.

jo bIjY so augvY KWdw jwxY jIau ]

jo beejai so ougavai khaandhaa jaanai jeeo ||

Whatever is planted, shall grow. The soul eats the fruits of its actions, and understands.

igAwnu slwhy vfw kir sco scw nwau ]

giaan salaahae vaddaa kar sacho sachaa naao ||

Whoever praises spiritual wisdom as great, becomes truthful in the True Name.

scu bIjY scu augvY drgh pweIAY Qwau ]

sach beejai sach ougavai dharageh paaeeai thhaao ||

When Truth is planted, Truth grows. In the Court of the Lord, you shall find your place of honor.

bydu vpwrI igAwnu rwis krmI plY hoie ]

aucwrx p`lY

baedh vapaaree giaan raas karamee palai hoe ||

The Vedas are only merchants; spiritual wisdom is the capital; by His Grace, it is received.

nwnk rwsI bwhrw lid n cilAw koie ]2]

naanak raasee baaharaa ladh n chaliaa koe ||2||

O Nanak, without capital, no one has ever departed with profit. ||2||