SGGSAng 1234Raag SarangMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

swrg mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx swrg mh`lw qIjw

saarag mehalaa 3 ||

Saarang, Third Mehl:

mn myry hir kI AkQ khwxI ]

man maerae har kee akathh kehaanee ||

O my mind, the Speech of the Lord is unspoken.

hir ndir kry soeI jnu pwey gurmuiK ivrlY jwxI ]1] rhwau ]

har nadhar karae soee jan paaeae guramukh viralai jaanee ||1|| rehaao ||

That humble being who is blessed by the Lord's Glance of Grace, obtains it. How rare is that Gurmukh who understands. ||1||Pause||

hir gihr gMBIru guxI ghIru gur kY sbid pCwinAw ]

har gehir ganbheer gunee geheer gur kai sabadh pashhaaniaa ||

The Lord is Deep, Profound and Unfathomable, the Ocean of Excellence; He is realized through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

bhu ibiD krm krih Bwie dUjY ibnu sbdY baurwinAw ]1]

bahu bidhh karam karehi bhaae dhoojai bin sabadhai bouraaniaa ||1||

Mortals do their deeds in all sorts of ways, in the love of duality; but without the Shabad, they are insane. ||1||

hir nwim nwvY soeI jnu inrmlu iPir mYlw mUil n hoeI ]

har naam naavai soee jan niramal fir mailaa mool n hoee ||

That humble being who bathes in the Lord's Name becomes immaculate; he never becomes polluted again.

nwm ibnw sBu jgu hY mYlw dUjY Brim piq KoeI ]2]

naam binaa sabh jag hai mailaa dhoojai bharam path khoee ||2||

Without the Name, the whole world is polluted; wandering in duality, it loses its honor. ||2||

ikAw idRVW ikAw sµgRih iqAwgI mY qw bUJ n pweI ]

aucwrx bU`J

kiaa dhrirraan kiaa sangrehi thiaagee mai thaa boojh n paaee ||

What should I grasp? What should I gather up or leave behind? I do not know.

hoih dieAwlu ikRpw kir hir jIau nwmo hoie sKweI ]3]

hohi dhaeiaal kirapaa kar har jeeo naamo hoe sakhaaee ||3||

O Dear Lord, Your Name is the Help and Support of those whom You bless with Your kindness and compassion. ||3||

scw scu dwqw krm ibDwqw ijsu BwvY iqsu nwie lwey ]

sachaa sach dhaathaa karam bidhhaathaa jis bhaavai this naae laaeae ||

The True Lord is the True Giver, the Architect of Destiny; as He pleases, He links mortals to the Name.

gurU duAwrY soeI bUJY ijsno Awip buJwey ]4]

aucwrx bU`JY; bu`Jwey

guroo dhuaarai soee boojhai jis no aap bujhaaeae ||4||

He alone comes to understand, who enters the Guru's Gate, whom the Lord Himself instructs. ||4||

dyiK ibsmwdu iehu mnu nhI cyqy Awvw gauxu sMswrw ]

dhaekh bisamaadh eihu man nehee chaethae aavaa goun sansaaraa ||

Even gazing upon the wonders of the Lord, this mind does not think of Him. The world comes and goes in reincarnation.

siqguru syvy soeI bUJY pwey moKduAwrw ]5]

aucwrx bU`JY; moK-duAwrw: sbµDk krky bolo

sathigur saevae soee boojhai paaeae mokh dhuaaraa ||5||

Serving the True Guru, the mortal comes to understand, and finds the Door of Salvation. ||5||

ijn dru sUJY sy kdy n ivgwVih siqguir bUJ buJweI ]

aucwrx bU`J; bu`JweI

jinh dhar soojhai sae kadhae n vigaarrehi sathigur boojh bujhaaee ||

Those who understand the Lord's Court, never suffer separation from him. The True Guru has imparted this understanding.

scu sMjmu krxI ikriq kmwvih Awvx jwxu rhweI ]6]

sach sanjam karanee kirath kamaavehi aavan jaan rehaaee ||6||

They practice truth, self-restraint and good deeds; their comings and goings are ended. ||6||

sy dir swcY swcu kmwvih ijn gurmuiK swcu ADwrw ]

sae dhar saachai saach kamaavehi jin guramukh saach adhhaaraa ||

In the Court of the True Lord, they practice Truth. The Gurmukhs take the Support of the True Lord.

mnmuK dUjY Brim Bulwey nw bUJih vIcwrw ]7]

aucwrx bU`Jih

manamukh dhoojai bharam bhulaaeae naa boojhehi veechaaraa ||7||

The self-willed manmukhs wander, lost in doubt and duality. They do not know how to contemplate the Lord. ||7||

Awpy gurmuiK Awpy dyvY Awpy kir kir vyKY ]

aapae guramukh aapae dhaevai aapae kar kar vaekhai ||

He Himself is the Gurmukh, and He Himself gives; He Himself creates and beholds.

nwnk sy jn Qwie pey hY ijn kI piq pwvY lyKY ]8]3]

naanak sae jan thhaae peae hai jin kee path paavai laekhai ||8||3||

O Nanak, those humble beings are approved, whose honor the Lord Himself accepts. ||8||3||