SGGSAng 1233Raag SarangMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

swrg mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx swrg mh`lw qIjw

saarag mehalaa 3 ||

Saarang, Third Mehl:

mn myry hir kw nwmu Aiq mITw ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

man maerae har kaa naam ath meethaa ||

O my mind, the Name of the Lord is supremely sweet.

jnm jnm ky iklivK Bau Bµjn gurmuiK eyko fITw ]1] rhwau ]

janam janam kae kilavikh bho bhanjan guramukh eaeko ddeethaa ||1|| rehaao ||

It is the Destroyer of the sins, the guilt and fears of countless incarnations; the Gurmukh sees the One Lord. ||1||Pause||

koit kotµqr ky pwp ibnwsn hir swcw min BwieAw ]

kott kottanthar kae paap binaasan har saachaa man bhaaeiaa ||

Millions upon millions of sins are erased, when the mind comes to love the True Lord.

hir ibnu Avru n sUJY dUjw siqguir eyku buJwieAw ]1]

aucwrx bu`JwieAw

har bin avar n soojhai dhoojaa sathigur eaek bujhaaeiaa ||1||

I do not know any other, except the Lord; the True Guru has revealed the One Lord to me. ||1||

pRym pdwrQu ijn Git visAw shjy rhy smweI ]

praem padhaarathh jin ghatt vasiaa sehajae rehae samaaee ||

Those whose hearts are filled with the wealth of the Lord's Love, remain intuitively absorbed in Him.

sbid rqy sy rµig clUly rwqy shij suBweI ]2]

aucwrx r`qy; rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo; suBweI: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

sabadh rathae sae rang chaloolae raathae sehaj subhaaee ||2||

Imbued with the Shabad, they are dyed in the deep crimson color of His Love. They are imbued with the Lord's celestial peace and poise. ||2||

rsnw sbdu vIcwir ris rwqI lwl BeI rMgu lweI ]

aucwrx rwqI: Bwrw krky bolo

rasanaa sabadh veechaar ras raathee laal bhee rang laaee ||

Contemplating the Shabad, the tongue is imbued with joy; embracing His Love, it is dyed a deep crimson.

rwm nwmu inhkyvlu jwixAw mnu iqRpiqAw sWiq AweI ]3]

raam naam nihakaeval jaaniaa man thripathiaa saanth aaee ||3||

I have come to know the Name of the Pure Detached Lord; my mind is satisfied and comforted. ||3||

pMifq piV@ piV@ monI siB Qwky BRim ByK Qky ByKDwrI ]

panddith parrih parrih monee sabh thhaakae bhram bhaekh thhakae bhaekhadhhaaree ||

The Pandits, the religious scholars, read and study, and all the silent sages have grown weary; they have grown weary of wearing their religious robes and wandering all around.

gurprswid inrµjnu pwieAw swcY sbid vIcwrI ]4]

gur parasaadh niranjan paaeiaa saachai sabadh veechaaree ||4||

By Guru's Grace, I have found the Immaculate Lord; I contemplate the True Word of the Shabad. ||4||

Awvw gauxu invwir sic rwqy swc sbdu min BwieAw ]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

aavaa goun nivaar sach raathae saach sabadh man bhaaeiaa ||

My coming and going in reincarnation is ended, and I am imbued with Truth; the True Word of the Shabad is pleasing to my mind.

siqguru syiv sdw suKu pweIAY ijin ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]5]

sathigur saev sadhaa sukh paaeeai jin vichahu aap gavaaeiaa ||5||

Serving the True Guru, eternal peace is found, and self-conceit is eliminated from within. ||5||

swcY sbid shj Duin aupjY min swcY ilv lweI ]

saachai sabadh sehaj dhhun oupajai man saachai liv laaee ||

Through the True Word of the Shabad, the celestial melody wells up, and the mind is lovingly focused on the True Lord.

Agm Agocru nwmu inrµjnu gurmuiK mMin vsweI ]6]

agam agochar naam niranjan guramukh mann vasaaee ||6||

The Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord, abides in the mind of the Gurmukh. ||6||

eyks mih sBu jgqo vrqY ivrlw eyku pCwxY ]

eaekas mehi sabh jagatho varathai viralaa eaek pashhaanai ||

The whole world is contained in the One Lord. How rare are those who understand the One Lord.

sbid mrY qw sBu ikCu sUJY Anidnu eyko jwxY ]7]

sabadh marai thaa sabh kishh soojhai anadhin eaeko jaanai ||7||

One who dies in the Shabad comes to know everything; night and day, he realizes the One Lord. ||7||

ijsno ndir kry soeI jnu bUJY horu khxw kQnu n jweI ]

aucwrx bU`JY

jis no nadhar karae soee jan boojhai hor kehanaa kathhan n jaaee ||

That humble being, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, understands. Nothing else can be said.

nwnk nwim rqy sdw bYrwgI eyk sbid ilv lweI ]8]2]

aucwrx r`qy

naanak naam rathae sadhaa bairaagee eaek sabadh liv laaee ||8||2||

O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam are forever detached from the world; they are lovingly attuned to the One Word of the Shabad. ||8||2||