mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
ivsru nwhI eyvf dwqy ]
aucwrx dwqy: polw bolo
visar naahee eaevadd dhaathae ||
I shall never forget You-You are such a Great Giver!
kir ikrpw Bgqn sµig rwqy ]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
kar kirapaa bhagathan sang raathae ||
Please grant Your Grace, and imbue me with the love of devotional worship.
idnsu rYix ijau quDu iDAweI eyhu dwnu moih krxw jIau ]1]
dhinas rain jio thudhh dhhiaaee eaehu dhaan mohi karanaa jeeo ||1||
If it pleases You, let me meditate on You day and night; please, grant me this gift! ||1||
mwtI AMDI suriq smweI ]
maattee andhhee surath samaaee ||
Into this blind clay, You have infused awareness.
sB ikCu dIAw BlIAw jweI ]
sabh kishh dheeaa bhaleeaa jaaee ||
Everything, everywhere which You have given is good.
And ibnod coj qmwsy quDu BwvY so hoxw jIau ]2]
anadh binodh choj thamaasae thudhh bhaavai so honaa jeeo ||2||
Bliss, joyful celebrations, wondrous plays and entertainment-whatever pleases You, comes to pass. ||2||
ijsdw idqw sBu ikCu lYxw ]
jis dhaa dhithaa sabh kishh lainaa ||
Everything we receive is a gift from Him
CqIh AMimRq Bojnu Kwxw ]
shhatheeh anmrith bhojan khaanaa ||
-the thirty-six delicious foods to eat,
syj suKwlI sIqlu pvxw shj kyl rMg krxw jIau ]3]
saej sukhaalee seethal pavanaa sehaj kael rang karanaa jeeo ||3||
Cozy beds, cooling breezes, peaceful joy and the experience of pleasure. ||3||
sw buiD dIjY ijqu ivsrih nwhI ]
saa budhh dheejai jith visarehi naahee ||
Give me that state of mind, by which I may not forget You.
sw miq dIjY ijqu quDu iDAweI ]
aucwrx m`iq
saa math dheejai jith thudhh dhhiaaee ||
Give me that understanding, by which I may meditate on You.
sws sws qyry gux gwvw Et nwnk gur crxw jIau ]4]12]19]
saas saas thaerae gun gaavaa outt naanak gur charanaa jeeo ||4||12||19||
I sing Your Glorious Praises with each and every breath. Nanak takes the Support of the Guru's Feet. ||4||12||19||