SGGSAng 100Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

isPiq swlwhxu qyrw hukmu rjweI ]

aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo

sifath saalaahan thaeraa hukam rajaaee ||

To praise You is to follow Your Command and Your Will.

so igAwnu iDAwnu jo quDu BweI ]

so giaan dhhiaan jo thudhh bhaaee ||

That which pleases You is spiritual wisdom and meditation.

soeI jpu jo pRB jIau BwvY BwxY pUr igAwnw jIau ]1]

soee jap jo prabh jeeo bhaavai bhaanai poor giaanaa jeeo ||1||

That which pleases God is chanting and meditation; to be in harmony with His Will is perfect spiritual wisdom. ||1||

AMimRqu nwmu qyrw soeI gwvY ]

anmrith naam thaeraa soee gaavai ||

He alone sings Your Ambrosial Naam,

jo swihb qyrY min BwvY ]

jo saahib thaerai man bhaavai ||

Who is pleasing to Your Mind, O my Lord and Master.

qUµ sMqn kw sMq qumwry sMq swihb mnu mwnw jIau ]2]

thoon santhan kaa santh thumaarae santh saahib man maanaa jeeo ||2||

You belong to the Saints, and the Saints belong to You. The minds of the Saints are attuned to You, O my Lord and Master. ||2||

qUµ sMqn kI krih pRiqpwlw ]

aucwrx pRiq-pwlw: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo

thoon santhan kee karehi prathipaalaa ||

You cherish and nurture the Saints.

sMq Kylih qum sµig gopwlw ]

santh khaelehi thum sang gopaalaa ||

The Saints play with You, O Sustainer of the World.

Apuny sMq quDu Kry ipAwry qU sMqn ky pRwnw jIau ]3]

apunae santh thudhh kharae piaarae thoo santhan kae praanaa jeeo ||3||

Your Saints are very dear to You. You are the breath of life of the Saints. ||3||

aun sMqn kY myrw mnu kurbwny ]

oun santhan kai maeraa man kurabaanae ||

My mind is a sacrifice to those Saints who know You,

ijn qUµ jwqw jo quDu min Bwny ]

jin thoon jaathaa jo thudhh man bhaanae ||

And are pleasing to Your Mind.

iqn kY sµig sdw suKu pwieAw hir rs nwnk iqRpiq AGwnw jIau ]4]13]20]

aucwrx AGwnw: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj nwl

thin kai sang sadhaa sukh paaeiaa har ras naanak thripath aghaanaa jeeo ||4||13||20||

In their company I have found a lasting peace. Nanak is satisfied and fulfilled with the Sublime Essence of the Lord. ||4||13||20||