SGGSAng 1040Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 146 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

scu khhu scY Gir rhxw ]

sach kehahu sachai ghar rehanaa ||

Speak the Truth, and remain in the home of Truth.

jIvq mrhu Bvjlu jgu qrxw ]

jeevath marahu bhavajal jag tharanaa ||

Remain dead while yet alive, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

guru boihQu guru byVI qulhw mn hir jip pwir lµGwieAw ]1]

gur bohithh gur baerree thulehaa man har jap paar langhaaeiaa ||1||

The Guru is the boat, the ship, the raft; meditating on the Lord in your mind, you shall be carried across to the other side. ||1||

haumY mmqw loB ibnwsnu ]

houmai mamathaa lobh binaasan ||

Eliminating egotism, possessiveness and greed,

nau dr mukqy dsvY Awsnu ]

no dhar mukathae dhasavai aasan ||

One is liberated from the nine gates, and obtains a place in the Tenth Gate.

aUpir prY prY Aprµpru ijin Awpy Awpu aupwieAw ]2]

aucwrx Ap-rµpru

oopar parai parai aparanpar jin aapae aap oupaaeiaa ||2||

Lofty and high, the farthest of the far and infinite, He created Himself. ||2||

gurmiq lyvhu hir ilv qrIAY ]

guramath laevahu har liv thareeai ||

Receiving the Guru's Teachings, and lovingly attuned to the Lord, one crosses over.

Aklu gwie jm qy ikAw frIAY ]

aucwrx Aklu: polw bolo (ASuD: A-klu)

akal gaae jam thae kiaa ddareeai ||

Singing the Praises of the absolute Lord, why should anyone be afraid of death?

jq jq dyKau qq qq qum hI Avru n duqIAw gwieAw ]3]

jath jath dhaekho thath thath thum hee avar n dhutheeaa gaaeiaa ||3||

Wherever I look, I see only You; I do not sing of any other at all. ||3||

scu hir nwmu scu hY srxw ]

sach har naam sach hai saranaa ||

True is the Lord's Name, and True is His Sanctuary.

scu gur sbdu ijqY lig qrxw ]

aucwrx ijqY: polw bolo

sach gur sabadh jithai lag tharanaa ||

True is the Word of the Guru's Shabad, grasping it, one is carries across.

AkQu kQY dyKY Aprµpru Puin griB n jonI jwieAw ]4]

aucwrx Ap-rµpru

akathh kathhai dhaekhai aparanpar fun garabh n jonee jaaeiaa ||4||

Speaking the Unspoken, one sees the Infinite Lord, and then, he does not have to enter the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||

sc ibnu squ sµqoKu n pwvY ]

sach bin sath santhokh n paavai ||

Without the Truth, no one finds sincerity or contentment.

ibnu gur mukiq n AwvY jwvY ]

bin gur mukath n aavai jaavai ||

Without the Guru, no one is liberated; coming and going in reincarnation continue.

mUl mMqRü hir nwmu rswiexu khu nwnk pUrw pwieAw ]5]

aucwrx mMqRü: AONkV rwry nUµ lw ky

mool manthra har naam rasaaein kahu naanak pooraa paaeiaa ||5||

Chanting the Mool Mantra, and the Name of the Lord, the source of nectar, says Nanak, I have found the Perfect Lord. ||5||

sc ibnu Bvjlu jwie n qirAw ]

sach bin bhavajal jaae n thariaa ||

Without the Truth, the terrifying world-ocean cannot be crossed.

eyhu smuMdu AQwhu mhw ibKu BirAw ]

eaehu samundh athhaahu mehaa bikh bhariaa ||

This ocean is vast and unfathomable; it is overflowing with the worst poison.

rhY AqIqu gurmiq ly aUpir hir inrBau kY Gir pwieAw ]6]

rehai atheeth guramath lae oopar har nirabho kai ghar paaeiaa ||6||

One who receives the Guru's Teachings, and remains aloof and detached, obtains a place in the home of the Fearless Lord. ||6||

JUTI jg ihq kI cqurweI ]

jhoothee jag hith kee chathuraaee ||

False is the cleverness of loving attachment to the world.

iblm n lwgY AwvY jweI ]

bilam n laagai aavai jaaee ||

In no time at all, it comes and goes.

nwmu ivswir clih AiBmwnI aupjY ibnis KpwieAw ]7]

aucwrx KpwieAw: polw bolo

naam visaar chalehi abhimaanee oupajai binas khapaaeiaa ||7||

Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the proud egotistical people depart; in creation and destruction they are wasted away. ||7||

aupjih ibnsih bµDn bµDy ]

oupajehi binasehi bandhhan bandhhae ||

In creation and destruction, they are bound in bondage.

haumY mwieAw ky gil PµDy ]

houmai maaeiaa kae gal fandhhae ||

The noose of egotism and Maya is around their necks.

ijsu rwm nwmu nwhI miq gurmiq so jm puir bµiD clwieAw ]8]

aucwrx m`iq

jis raam naam naahee math guramath so jam pur bandhh chalaaeiaa ||8||

Whoever does not accept the Guru's Teachings, and does not dwell upon the Lord's Name, is bound and bagged, and dragged into the City of Death. ||8||

gur ibnu moK mukiq ikau pweIAY ]

gur bin mokh mukath kio paaeeai ||

Without the Guru, how can anyone be emancipated or liberated?

ibnu gur rwm nwmu ikau iDAweIAY ]

bin gur raam naam kio dhhiaaeeai ||

Without the Guru, how can anyone meditate on the Lord's Name?

gurmiq lyhu qrhu Bv duqru mukiq Bey suKu pwieAw ]9]

guramath laehu tharahu bhav dhuthar mukath bheae sukh paaeiaa ||9||

Accepting the Guru's Teachings, cross over the arduous, terrifying world-ocean; you shall be emancipated, and find peace. ||9||

gurmiq ikRsin govrDn Dwry ]

aucwrx go-vrDn: 'd'-'D' dI sWJI Avwj

guramath kirasan govaradhhan dhhaarae ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, Krishna lifted up the mountain of Govardhan.

gurmiq swieir pwhx qwry ]

guramath saaeir paahan thaarae ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, Rama floated stones across the ocean.

gurmiq lyhu prmpdu pweIAY nwnk guir Brmu cukwieAw ]10]

guramath laehu param padh paaeeai naanak gur bharam chukaaeiaa ||10||

Accepting the Guru's Teachings, the supreme status is obtained; O Nanak, the Guru eradicates doubt. ||10||

gurmiq lyhu qrhu scu qwrI ]

guramath laehu tharahu sach thaaree ||

Accepting the Guru's Teachings, cross over to the other side through Truth.

Awqm cInhu irdY murwrI ]

aatham cheenahu ridhai muraaree ||

O soul, remember the Lord within your heart.

jm ky Pwhy kwtih hir jip Akul inrµjnu pwieAw ]11]

aucwrx A-kul

jam kae faahae kaattehi har jap akul niranjan paaeiaa ||11||

The noose of death is cut away, meditating on the Lord; you shall obtain the Immaculate Lord, who has no ancestry. ||11||

gurmiq pMc sKy gurBweI ]

aucwrx gur-BweI: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

guramath panch sakhae gur bhaaee ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, the Holy become one's friends and Siblings of Destiny.

gurmiq Agin invwir smweI ]

guramath agan nivaar samaaee ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, the inner fire is subdued and extinguished.

min muiK nwmu jphu jgjIvn ird AMqir AlKu lKwieAw ]12]

aucwrx min muiK: v`Krw krky; Al`Ku

man mukh naam japahu jagajeevan ridh anthar alakh lakhaaeiaa ||12||

Chant the Naam with your mind and mouth; know the unknowable Lord, the Life of the World, deep within the nucleus of your heart. ||12||

gurmuiK bUJY sbid pqIjY ]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh boojhai sabadh patheejai ||

The Gurmukh understands, and is pleased with the Word of the Shabad.

ausqiq inMdw iks kI kIjY ]

ousathath nindhaa kis kee keejai ||

Who does he praise or slander?

cInhu Awpu jphu jgdIsru hir jgµnwQu min BwieAw ]13]

cheenahu aap japahu jagadheesar har jagannaathh man bhaaeiaa ||13||

Know yourself, and meditate on the Lord of the Universe; let your mind be pleased with the Lord, the Master of the Universe. ||13||

jo bRhmMif KMif so jwxhu ]

jo brehamandd khandd so jaanahu ||

Know the One who pervades all the realms of the universe.

gurmuiK bUJhu sbid pCwxhu ]

aucwrx bU`Jhu

guramukh boojhahu sabadh pashhaanahu ||

As Gurmukh, understand and realize the Shabad.

Git Git Bogy Bogxhwrw rhY AqIqu sbwieAw ]14]

ghatt ghatt bhogae bhoganehaaraa rehai atheeth sabaaeiaa ||14||

The Enjoyer enjoys each and every heart, and yet He remains detached from all. ||14||

gurmiq bolhu hir jsu sUcw ]

guramath bolahu har jas soochaa ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, chant the Pure Praises of the Lord.

gurmiq AwKI dyKhu aUcw ]

guramath aakhee dhaekhahu oochaa ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, behold the lofty Lord with your eyes.

sRvxI nwmu suxY hir bwxI nwnk hir rµig rMgwieAw ]15]3]20]

sravanee naam sunai har baanee naanak har rang rangaaeiaa ||15||3||20||

Whoever listens to the Lord's Name, and the Word of His Bani, O Nanak, is imbued with the color of the Lord's Love. ||15||3||20||