SGGSAng 1041Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 146 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

kwmu kRoDu prhru pr inMdw ]

kaam krodhh parehar par nindhaa ||

Leave behind sexual desire, anger and the slander of others.

lbu loBu qij hohu inicµdw ]

lab lobh thaj hohu nichindhaa ||

Renounce greed and possessiveness, and become carefree.

BRm kw sMglu qoiV inrwlw hir AMqir hir rsu pwieAw ]1]

bhram kaa sangal thorr niraalaa har anthar har ras paaeiaa ||1||

Break the chains of doubt, and remain unattached; you shall find the Lord, and the Lord's sublime essence, deep within yourself.||1||

inis dwmin ijau cmik cµdwiexu dyKY ]

nis dhaaman jio chamak chandhaaein dhaekhai ||

As one sees the flash of lightning in the night,

Aihinis joiq inrµqir pyKY ]

ahinis joth niranthar paekhai ||

see the Divine Light deep within your nucleus, day and night.

Awnµd rUpu AnUpu srUpw guir pUrY dyKwieAw ]2]

aanandh roop anoop saroopaa gur poorai dhaekhaaeiaa ||2||

The Lord, the embodiment of bliss, incomparably beautiful, reveals the Perfect Guru. ||2||

siqgur imlhu Awpy pRBu qwry ]

sathigur milahu aapae prabh thaarae ||

So meet with the True Guru, and God Himself will save you.

sis Gir sUru dIpku gYxwry ]

sas ghar soor dheepak gainaarae ||

He placed the lamps of the sun and the moon in the home of the sky.

dyiK Aidstu rhhu ilv lwgI sBu iqRBvix bRhmu sbwieAw ]3]

aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

dhaekh adhisatt rehahu liv laagee sabh thribhavan breham sabaaeiaa ||3||

See the invisible Lord, and remain absorbed in loving devotion. God is all throughout the three worlds.||3||

AMimRq rsu pwey iqRsnw Bau jwey ]

anmrith ras paaeae thrisanaa bho jaaeae ||

Obtaining the sublime ambrosial essence, desire and fear are dispelled.

AnBau pdu pwvY Awpu gvwey ]

aucwrx An-Bau: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

anabho padh paavai aap gavaaeae ||

The state of inspired illumination is obtained, and self-conceit is eradicated.

aUcI pdvI aUco aUcw inrml sbdu kmwieAw ]4]

oochee padhavee oocho oochaa niramal sabadh kamaaeiaa ||4||

The lofty and exalted state, the highest of the high is obtained, practicing the immaculate Word of the Shabad. ||4||

AidRst Agocru nwmu Apwrw ]

adhrisatt agochar naam apaaraa ||

The Naam, the Name of the invisible and unfathomable Lord, is infinite.

Aiq rsu mITw nwmu ipAwrw ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

ath ras meethaa naam piaaraa ||

The sublime essence of the Beloved Naam is utterly sweet.

nwnk kau juig juig hir jsu dIjY hir jpIAY AMqu n pwieAw ]5]

naanak ko jug jug har jas dheejai har japeeai anth n paaeiaa ||5||

O Lord, please bless Nanak with Your Praise in each and every age; meditating on the Lord, I cannot find His limits.||5||

AMqir nwmu prwpiq hIrw ]

anthar naam paraapath heeraa ||

With the Naam deep within the nucleus of the self, the jewel is obtained.

hir jpqy mnu mn qy DIrw ]

har japathae man man thae dhheeraa ||

Meditating on the Lord, the mind is comforted and consoled by the mind itself.

duGt Gt Bau Bµjnu pweIAY bwhuiV jnim n jwieAw ]6]

aucwrx du-Gt: 'G' dI ApnI Avwj

dhughatt ghatt bho bhanjan paaeeai baahurr janam n jaaeiaa ||6||

On that most difficult path, the Destroyer of fear is found, and one does not have to enter the womb of reincarnation again. ||6||

Bgiq hyiq gur sbid qrµgw ]

bhagath haeth gur sabadh tharangaa ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, inspiration for loving devotional worship wells up.

hir jsu nwmu pdwrQu mMgw ]

har jas naam padhaarathh mangaa ||

I beg for the treasure of the Naam, and the Lord's Praise.

hir BwvY gur myil imlwey hir qwry jgqu sbwieAw ]7]

har bhaavai gur mael milaaeae har thaarae jagath sabaaeiaa ||7||

When it pleases the Lord, He unites me in Union with the Guru; the Lord saves the whole world.||7||

ijin jpu jipE siqgur miq vwky ]

aucwrx m`iq; v`wky

jin jap japiou sathigur math vaa kae ||

One who chants the Lord's Chant, attains the Wisdom of the True Guru.

jmkµkr kwlu syvk pg qw ky ]

aucwrx pg: polw bolo; qw ky: v`Krw krky

jamakankar kaal saevak pag thaa kae ||

The tyrant, the Messenger of Death, becomes a servant at his feet.

aUqm sµgiq giq imiq aUqm jgu Baujlu pwir qrwieAw ]8]

ootham sangath gath mith ootham jag bhoujal paar tharaaeiaa ||8||

In the noble congregation of the Sangat, one's state and way of life become noble as well, and one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. ||8||

iehu Bvjlu jgqu sbid gur qrIAY ]

eihu bhavajal jagath sabadh gur thareeai ||

Through the Shabad, one crosses over this terrifying world-ocean.

AMqr kI duibDw AMqir jrIAY ]

anthar kee dhubidhhaa anthar jareeai ||

The duality within is burnt away from within.

pMc bwx ly jm kau mwrY ggnµqir DxKu cVwieAw ]9]

panch baan lae jam ko maarai gagananthar dhhanakh charraaeiaa ||9||

Taking up the five arrows of virtue, Death is killed, drawing the Bow of the Tenth Gate in the Mind's Sky. ||9||

swkq nir sbd suriq ikau pweIAY ]

saakath nar sabadh surath kio paaeeai ||

How can the faithless cynics attain enlightened awareness of the Shabad?

sbdu suriq ibnu AweIAY jweIAY ]

sabadh surath bin aaeeai jaaeeai ||

Without awareness of the Shabad, they come and go in reincarnation.

nwnk gurmuiK mukiq prwiexu hir pUrY Bwig imlwieAw ]10]

naanak guramukh mukath paraaein har poorai bhaag milaaeiaa ||10||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh obtains the support of liberation; by perfect destiny, he meets the Lord. ||10||

inrBau siqguru hY rKvwlw ]

nirabho sathigur hai rakhavaalaa ||

The Fearless True Guru is our Savior and Protector.

Bgiq prwpiq gur gopwlw ]

bhagath paraapath gur gopaalaa ||

Devotional worship is obtained through the Guru, the Lord of the world.

Duin Anµd Anwhdu vwjY gur sbid inrµjnu pwieAw ]11]

dhhun anandh anaahadh vaajai gur sabadh niranjan paaeiaa ||11||

The blissful music of the unstruck sound current vibrates and resounds; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Immaculate Lord is obtained. ||11||

inrBau so isir nwhI lyKw ]

nirabho so sir naahee laekhaa ||

He alone is fearless, who has no destiny written on His head.

Awip AlyKu kudriq hY dyKw ]

aap alaekh kudharath hai dhaekhaa ||

God Himself is unseen; He reveals Himself through His wondrous creative power.

Awip AqIqu AjonI sMBau nwnk gurmiq so pwieAw ]12]

aucwrx sµ-Bau: 'B' dI sWJI Avwj

aap atheeth ajonee sanbho naanak guramath so paaeiaa ||12||

He Himself is unattached, unborn and self-existent. O Nanak, through the Guru's Teachings, He is found. ||12||

AMqr kI giq siqguru jwxY ]

anthar kee gath sathigur jaanai ||

The True Guru knows the state of one's inner being.

so inrBau gur sbid pCwxY ]

so nirabho gur sabadh pashhaanai ||

He alone is fearless, who realizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

AMqru dyiK inrµqir bUJY Anq n mnu folwieAw ]13]

aucwrx bU`JY

anthar dhaekh niranthar boojhai anath n man ddolaaeiaa ||13||

He looks within his own inner being, and realizes the Lord within all; his mind does not waver at all. ||13||

inrBau so AB AMqir visAw ]

nirabho so abh anthar vasiaa ||

He alone is fearless, within whose being the Lord abides.

Aihinis nwim inrµjn risAw ]

ahinis naam niranjan rasiaa ||

Day and night, he is delighted with the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord.

nwnk hir jsu sµgiq pweIAY hir shjy shij imlwieAw ]14]

naanak har jas sangath paaeeai har sehajae sehaj milaaeiaa ||14||

O Nanak, in the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, the Lord's Praise is obtained, and one easily, intuitively meets the Lord. ||14||

AMqir bwhir so pRBu jwxY ]

anthar baahar so prabh jaanai ||

One who knows God, within the self and beyond,

rhY Ailpqu clqy Gir AwxY ]

aucwrx A-ilpqu

rehai alipath chalathae ghar aanai ||

Remains detached, and brings his wandering mind back to its home.

aUpir Awid srb iqhu loeI scu nwnk AMimRq rsu pwieAw ]15]4]21]

oopar aadh sarab thihu loee sach naanak anmrith ras paaeiaa ||15||4||21||

The True Primal Lord is over all the three worlds; O Nanak, His Ambrosial Nectar is obtained. ||15||4||21||