SGGSAng 1039Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 146 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

hir Dnu sµchu ry jn BweI ]

har dhhan sanchahu rae jan bhaaee ||

Gather in the wealth of the Lord, O humble Siblings of Destiny.

siqgur syiv rhhu srxweI ]

sathigur saev rehahu saranaaee ||

Serve the True Guru, and remain in His Sanctuary.

qskru coru n lwgY qw kau Duin aupjY sbid jgwieAw ]1]

thasakar chor n laagai thaa ko dhhun oupajai sabadh jagaaeiaa ||1||

This wealth cannot be stolen; the celestial melody of the Shabad wells up and keeps us awake and aware. ||1||

qU eykµkwru inrwlmu rwjw ]

thoo eaekankaar niraalam raajaa ||

You are the One Universal Creator, the Immaculate King.

qU Awip svwrih jn ky kwjw ]

thoo aap savaarehi jan kae kaajaa ||

You Yourself arrange and resolve the affairs of Your humble servant.

Amru Afolu Apwru Amolku hir AsiQr Qwin suhwieAw ]2]

amar addol apaar amolak har asathhir thhaan suhaaeiaa ||2||

You are immortal, immovable, infinite and priceless; O Lord, Your place is beautiful and eternal. ||2||

dyhI ngrI aUqm Qwnw ]

dhaehee nagaree ootham thhaanaa ||

In the body-village, the most sublime place,

pMc lok vsih prDwnw ]

panch lok vasehi paradhhaanaa ||

The supremely noble people dwell.

aUpir eykµkwru inrwlmu suMn smwiD lgwieAw ]3]

oopar eaekankaar niraalam sunn samaadhh lagaaeiaa ||3||

Above them is the Immaculate Lord, the One Universal Creator; they are lovingly absorbed in the profound, primal state of Samaadhi. ||3||

dyhI ngrI nau drvwjy ]

dhaehee nagaree no dharavaajae ||

There are nine gates to the body-village;

isir isir krxYhwrY swjy ]

sir sir karanaihaarai saajae ||

The Creator Lord fashioned them for each and every person.

dsvY purKu AqIqu inrwlw Awpy AlKu lKwieAw ]4]

aucwrx Al`Ku

dhasavai purakh atheeth niraalaa aapae alakh lakhaaeiaa ||4||

Within the Tenth Gate, dwells the Primal Lord, detached and unequalled. The unknowable reveals Himself. ||4||

purKu AlyKu scy dIvwnw ]

purakh alaekh sachae dheevaanaa ||

The Primal Lord cannot be held to account; True is His Celestial Court.

hukim clwey scu nIswnw ]

hukam chalaaeae sach neesaanaa ||

The Hukam of His Command is in effect; True is His Insignia.

nwnk Koij lhhu Gru Apnw hir Awqm rwm nwmu pwieAw ]5]

naanak khoj lehahu ghar apanaa har aatham raam naam paaeiaa ||5||

O Nanak, search and examine your own home, and you shall find the Supreme Soul, and the Name of the Lord. ||5||

srb inrµjn purKu sujwnw ]

sarab niranjan purakh sujaanaa ||

The Primal Lord is everywhere, immaculate and all-knowing.

Adlu kry gur igAwn smwnw ]

aucwrx Adlu: polw bolo (ASuD: A-dlu)

adhal karae gur giaan samaanaa ||

He administers justice, and is absorbed in the spiritual wisdom of the Guru.

kwmu kRoDu lY grdin mwry haumY loBu cukwieAw ]6]

aucwrx gr-din

kaam krodhh lai garadhan maarae houmai lobh chukaaeiaa ||6||

He seizes sexual desire and anger by their necks, and kills them; He eradicates egotism and greed. ||6||

scY Qwin vsY inrµkwrw ]

sachai thhaan vasai nirankaaraa ||

In the True Place, the Formless Lord abides.

Awip pCwxY sbdu vIcwrw ]

aap pashhaanai sabadh veechaaraa ||

Whoever understands his own self, contemplates the Word of the Shabad.

scY mhil invwsu inrµqir Awvx jwxu cukwieAw ]7]

sachai mehal nivaas niranthar aavan jaan chukaaeiaa ||7||

He comes to abide deep within the True Mansion of His Presence, and his comings and goings are ended. ||7||

nw mnu clY n pauxu aufwvY ]

aucwrx nw mnu: v`Krw krky; c`lY

naa man chalai n poun ouddaavai ||

His mind does not waver, and he is not buffeted by the winds of desire.

jogI sbdu Anwhdu vwvY ]

jogee sabadh anaahadh vaavai ||

Such a Yogi vibrates the unstruck sound current of the Shabad.

pMc sbd Juxkwru inrwlmu pRiB Awpy vwie suxwieAw ]8]

panch sabadh jhunakaar niraalam prabh aapae vaae sunaaeiaa ||8||

God Himself plays the pure music of the Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds to hear. ||8||

Bau bYrwgw shij smwqw ]

aucwrx smwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

bho bairaagaa sehaj samaathaa ||

In the Fear of God, in detachment, one intuitively merges into the Lord.

haumY iqAwgI Anhid rwqw ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

houmai thiaagee anehadh raathaa ||

Renouncing egotism, he is imbued with the unstruck sound current.

AMjnu swir inrµjnu jwxY srb inrµjnu rwieAw ]9]

anjan saar niranjan jaanai sarab niranjan raaeiaa ||9||

With the ointment of enlightenment, the Immaculate Lord is known; the Immaculate Lord King is pervading everywhere. ||9||

duK BY Bµjnu pRBu AibnwsI ]

dhukh bhai bhanjan prabh abinaasee ||

God is eternal and imperishable; He is the Destroyer of pain and fear.

rog kty kwtI jm PwsI ]

rog kattae kaattee jam faasee ||

He cures the disease, and cuts away the noose of death.

nwnk hir pRBu so Bau Bµjnu guir imilAY hir pRBu pwieAw ]10]

naanak har prabh so bho bhanjan gur miliai har prabh paaeiaa ||10||

O Nanak, the Lord God is the Destroyer of fear; meeting the Guru, the Lord God is found. ||10||

kwlY kvlu inrµjnu jwxY ]

kaalai kaval niranjan jaanai ||

One who knows the Immaculate Lord chews up death.

bUJY krmu su sbdu pCwxY ]

aucwrx bU`JY

boojhai karam s sabadh pashhaanai ||

One who understands karma, realizes the Word of the Shabad.

Awpy jwxY Awip pCwxY sBu iqs kw coju sbwieAw ]11]

aapae jaanai aap pashhaanai sabh this kaa choj sabaaeiaa ||11||

He Himself knows, and He Himself realizes. This whole world is all His play. ||11||

Awpy swhu Awpy vxjwrw ]

aapae saahu aapae vanajaaraa ||

He Himself is the Banker, and He Himself is the Merchant.

Awpy prKy prKxhwrw ]

aapae parakhae parakhanehaaraa ||

The Appraiser Himself appraises.

Awpy kis ksvtI lwey Awpy kImiq pwieAw ]12]

aucwrx ksv`tI

aapae kas kasavattee laaeae aapae keemath paaeiaa ||12||

He Himself tests upon His Touchstone, and He Himself estimates the value. ||12||

Awip dieAwil dieAw pRiB DwrI ]

aap dhaeiaal dhaeiaa prabh dhhaaree ||

God Himself, the Merciful Lord, grants His Grace.

Git Git riv rihAw bnvwrI ]

ghatt ghatt rav rehiaa banavaaree ||

The Gardener pervades and permeates each and every heart.

purKu AqIqu vsY inhkyvlu gur purKY purKu imlwieAw ]13]

purakh atheeth vasai nihakaeval gur purakhai purakh milaaeiaa ||13||

The pure, primal, detached Lord abides within all. The Guru, the Lord Incarnate, leads us to meet the Lord God. ||13||

pRBu dwnw bInw grbu gvwey ]

prabh dhaanaa beenaa garab gavaaeae ||

God is wise and all-knowing; He purges men of their pride.

dUjw mytY eyku idKwey ]

dhoojaa maettai eaek dhikhaaeae ||

Eradicating duality, the One Lord reveals Himself.

Awsw mwih inrwlmu jonI Akul inrµjnu gwieAw ]14]

aucwrx A-kul

aasaa maahi niraalam jonee akul niranjan gaaeiaa ||14||

Such a being remains unattached amidst hope, singing the Praise of the Immaculate Lord, who has no ancestry. ||14||

haumY myit sbid suKu hoeI ]

houmai maett sabadh sukh hoee ||

Eradicating egotism, he obtains the peace of the Shabad.

Awpu vIcwry igAwnI soeI ]

aap veechaarae giaanee soee ||

He alone is spiritually wise, who contemplates his own self.

nwnk hir jsu hir gux lwhw sqsµgiq scu Plu pwieAw ]15]2]19]

naanak har jas har gun laahaa sathasangath sach fal paaeiaa ||15||2||19||

O Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the true profit is obtained; in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, the fruit of Truth is obtained. ||15||2||19||