SGGSAng 351Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

igRhu bnu smsir shij suBwie ]

aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

grihu ban samasar sehaj subhaae ||

Home and forest are the same, for one who dwells in the balance of intuitive peace and poise.

durmiq gqu BeI kIriq Twie ]

dhuramath gath bhee keerath thaae ||

His evil-mindedness departs, and the Praises of God take its place.

sc pauVI swcau muiK nWau ]

sach pourree saacho mukh naano ||

To chant the True Name with one's mouth is the true ladder.

siqguru syiv pwey inj Qwau ]1]

sathigur saev paaeae nij thhaao ||1||

Serving the True Guru, one finds one's own place within the self. ||1||

mn cUry Ktu drsn jwxu ]

man choorae khatt dharasan jaan ||

To conquer the mind is the knowledge of the six Shaastras.

srb joiq pUrn Bgvwnu ]1] rhwau ]

sarab joth pooran bhagavaan ||1|| rehaao ||

The Divine Light of the Lord God is perfectly pervading. ||1||Pause||

AiDk iqAws ByK bhu krY ]

adhhik thiaas bhaekh bahu karai ||

Excessive thirst for Maya makes people wear all sorts of religious robes.

duKu ibiKAw suKu qin prhrY ]

dhukh bikhiaa sukh than pareharai ||

The pain of corruption destroys the body's peace.

kwmu kRoDu AMqir Dnu ihrY ]

kaam krodhh anthar dhhan hirai ||

Sexual desire and anger steal the wealth of the self within.

duibDw Coif nwim insqrY ]2]

dhubidhhaa shhodd naam nisatharai ||2||

But by abandoning duality, one is emancipated through the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

isPiq slwhxu shj Anµd ]

sifath salaahan sehaj anandh ||

In the Lord's Praise and adoration is intuitive peace, poise and bliss.

sKw sYnu pRymu goibMd ]

sakhaa sain praem gobindh ||

The Love of the Lord God is one's family and friends.

Awpy kry Awpy bKisMdu ]

aapae karae aapae bakhasindh ||

He Himself is the Doer, and He Himself is the Forgiver.

qnu mnu hir pih AwgY ijMdu ]3]

than man har pehi aagai jindh ||3||

My body and mind belong to the Lord; my life is at His Command. ||3||

JUT ivkwr mhw duKu dyh ]

jhooth vikaar mehaa dhukh dhaeh ||

Falsehood and corruption cause terrible suffering.

ByK vrn dIsih siB Kyh ]

bhaekh varan dheesehi sabh khaeh ||

All the religious robes and social classes look just like dust.

jo aupjY so AwvY jwie ]

jo oupajai so aavai jaae ||

Whoever is born, continues to come and go.

nwnk AsiQru nwmu rjwie ]4]11]

aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo

naanak asathhir naam rajaae ||4||11||

O Nanak, only the Naam and the Lord's Command are eternal and everlasting. ||4||11||