SGGSAng 352Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

eyko srvru kml AnUp ]

eaeko saravar kamal anoop ||

In the pool is the one incomparably beautiful lotus.

sdw ibgwsY prml rUp ]

sadhaa bigaasai paramal roop ||

It blossoms continually; its form is pure and fragrant.

aUjl moqI cUgih hMs ]

oojal mothee choogehi hans ||

The swans pick up the bright jewels.

srb klw jgdIsY AMs ]1]

sarab kalaa jagadheesai ans ||1||

They take on the essence of the All-powerful Lord of the Universe. ||1||

jo dIsY so aupjY ibnsY ]

jo dheesai so oupajai binasai ||

Whoever is seen, is subject to birth and death.

ibnu jl srvir kmlu n dIsY ]1] rhwau ]

bin jal saravar kamal n dheesai ||1|| rehaao ||

In the pool without water, the lotus is not seen. ||1||Pause||

ibrlw bUJY pwvY Bydu ]

aucwrx bU`JY

biralaa boojhai paavai bhaedh ||

How rare are those who know and understand this secret.

swKw qIin khY inq bydu ]

saakhaa theen kehai nith baedh ||

The Vedas continually speak of the three branches.

nwd ibMd kI suriq smwie ]

naadh bindh kee surath samaae ||

One who merges into the knowledge of the Lord as absolute and related,

siqguru syiv prmpdu pwie ]2]

sathigur saev param padh paae ||2||

Serves the True Guru and obtains the supreme status. ||2||

mukqo rwqau rµig rvWqau ]

aucwrx r`wqau

mukatho raatho rang ravaantho ||

One who is imbued with the Love of the Lord and dwells continually upon Him is liberated.

rwjn rwij sdw ibgsWqau ]

raajan raaj sadhaa bigasaantho ||

He is the king of kings, and blossoms forth continually.

ijsu qUµ rwKih ikrpw Dwir ]

jis thoon raakhehi kirapaa dhhaar ||

That one whom You preserve, by bestowing Your Mercy, O Lord,

bUfq pwhn qwrih qwir ]3]

booddath paahan thaarehi thaar ||3||

Even the sinking stone - You float that one across. ||3||

iqRBvx mih joiq iqRBvx mih jwixAw ]

thribhavan mehi joth thribhavan mehi jaaniaa ||

Your Light is pervading the three worlds; I know that You are permeating the three worlds.

ault BeI Gru Gr mih AwixAw ]

oulatt bhee ghar ghar mehi aaniaa ||

When my mind turned away from Maya, I came to dwell in my own home.

Aihinis Bgiq kry ilv lwie ]

ahinis bhagath karae liv laae ||

Nanak falls at the feet of that person who immerses himself in the Lord's Love,

nwnku iqn kY lwgY pwie ]4]12]

naanak thin kai laagai paae ||4||12||

And performs devotional worship night and day. ||4||12||