inrml nwmu suDw pr pUrn sbd qrµg pRgitq idn Awgru ]
aucwrx suDw: polw bolo (ASuD: su`Dw)
niramal naam sudhhaa parapooran sabadh tharang pragattith dhin aagar ||
The Immaculate, Sacred Pool of the Guru is overflowing with the waves of the Shabad, radiantly revealed in the early hours before the dawn.
gihr gMBIru AQwh Aiq bf suBru sdw sB ibiD rqnwgru ]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo; su`Bru: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj; rq-nwgru
gehir ganbheer athhaah ath badd subhar sadhaa sabh bidhh rathanaagar ||
He is Deep and Profound, Unfathomable and utterly Great, eternally overflowing with all sorts of jewels.
sMq mrwl krih kµqUhl iqn jm qRws imitE duK kwgru ]
aucwrx kµ-qUhl
santh maraal karehi kanthoohal thin jam thraas mittiou dhukh kaagar ||
The Saint-swans celebrate; their fear of death is erased, along with the accounts of their pain.
kljug durq dUir krby kau drsnu gurU sgl suK swgru ]4]
kalajug dhurath dhoor karabae ko dharasan guroo sagal sukh saagar ||4||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the sins are taken away; the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan is the Ocean of all peace and comfort. ||4||