SGGSAng 1404Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke4 linesBhatt Mathura Ji

sMqq hI sqsµgiq sMg surµg rqy jsu gwvq hY ]

aucwrx r`qy

santhath hee sathasangath sang surang rathae jas gaavath hai ||

The Saints dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; imbued with pure celestial love, they sing the Lord's Praises.

DRm pMQu DirE DrnIDr Awip rhy ilv Dwir n Dwvq hY ]

dhhram panthh dhhariou dhharaneedhhar aap rehae liv dhhaar n dhhaavath hai ||

The Support of the Earth has established this Path of Dharma; He Himself remains lovingly attuned to the Lord, and does not wander in distraction.

mQurw Bin Bwg Bly aun@ ky mn ieCq hI Pl pwvq hY ]

mathhuraa bhan bhaag bhalae ounh kae man eishhath hee fal paavath hai ||

So speaks Mat'huraa: those blessed with good fortune receive the fruits of their minds' desires.

riv ky suq ko iqn@ qRwsu khw ju crMn gurU icqu lwvq hY ]3]

rav kae suth ko thinh thraas kehaa j charann guroo chith laavath hai ||3||

Those who focus their consciousness on the Guru's Feet, they do not fear the judgement of Dharamraj. ||3||