jw kau muin D´wnu DrY iPrq sgl jug kbhuk koaU pwvY Awqm pRgws kau ]
aucwrx D´wnu: iDAwnu bolo; kb-huk
jaa ko mun dhhyaan dhharai firath sagal jug kabahu k kooo paavai aatham pragaas ko ||
For His Sake, the silent sages meditated and focused their consciousness, wandering all the ages through; rarely, if ever, their souls were enlightened.
byd bwxI sihq ibrµic jsu gwvY jw ko isv muin gih n qjwq kiblws kµau ]
aucwrx ib-rµic; kib-lws
baedh baanee sehith biranch jas gaavai jaa ko siv mun gehi n thajaath kabilaas kano ||
In the Hymns of the Vedas, Brahma sang His Praises; for His Sake, Shiva the silent sage held his place on the Kailaash Mountain.
jw kO jogI jqI isD swiDk Anyk qp jtw jUt ByK kIey iPrq audws kau ]
aucwrx jqI: polw bolo; is`D; jtw: polw bolo
jaa ka jogee jathee sidhh saadhhik anaek thap jattaa joott bhaekh keeeae firath oudhaas ko ||
For His Sake, the Yogis, celibates, Siddhas and seekers, the countless sects of fanatics with matted hair wear religious robes, wandering as detached renunciates.
su iqin siqguir suK Bwie ikRpw DwrI jIA nwm kI bfweI deI gur rwmdws kau ]5]
s thin sathigur sukh bhaae kirapaa dhhaaree jeea naam kee baddaaee dhee gur raamadhaas ko ||5||
That True Guru, by the Pleasure of His Will, showered His Mercy upon all beings, and blessed Guru Raam Daas with the Glorious Greatness of the Naam. ||5||