soriT mhlw 3 cOquky ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw qIjw cO-quky
sorath mehalaa 3 chaathukae ||
Sorat'h, Third Mehl, Chau-Tukas:
scI Bgiq siqgur qy hovY scI ihrdY bwxI ]
sachee bhagath sathigur thae hovai sachee hiradhai baanee ||
True devotional worship is obtained only through the True Guru, when the True Word of His Bani is in the heart.
siqguru syvy sdw suKu pwey haumY sbid smwxI ]
sathigur saevae sadhaa sukh paaeae houmai sabadh samaanee ||
Serving the True Guru, eternal peace is obtained; egotism is obliterated through the Word of the Shabad.
ibnu gur swcy Bgiq n hovI hor BUlI iPrY ieAwxI ]
bin gur saachae bhagath n hovee hor bhoolee firai eiaanee ||
Without the Guru, there is no true devotion; otherwise, people wander around, deluded by ignorance.
mnmuiK iPrih sdw duKu pwvih fUib muey ivxu pwxI ]1]
aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)
manamukh firehi sadhaa dhukh paavehi ddoob mueae vin paanee ||1||
The self-willed manmukhs wander around, suffering in constant pain; they drown and die, even without water. ||1||
BweI ry sdw rhhu srxweI ]
bhaaee rae sadhaa rehahu saranaaee ||
O Siblings of Destiny, remain forever in the Lord's Sanctuary, under His Protection.
AwpxI ndir kry piq rwKY hir nwmo dy vifAweI ] rhwau ]
aapanee nadhar karae path raakhai har naamo dhae vaddiaaee || rehaao ||
Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He preserves our honor, and blesses us with the glory of the Lord's Name. ||Pause||
pUry gur qy Awpu pCwqw sbid scY vIcwrw ]
poorae gur thae aap pashhaathaa sabadh sachai veechaaraa ||
Through the Perfect Guru, one comes to understand himself, contemplating the True Word of the Shabad.
ihrdY jgjIvnu sd visAw qij kwmu kRoDu Ahµkwrw ]
hiradhai jagajeevan sadh vasiaa thaj kaam krodhh ahankaaraa ||
The Lord, the Life of the world, ever abides in his heart, and he renounces sexual desire, anger and egotism.
sdw hjUir rivAw sB TweI ihrdY nwmu Apwrw ]
sadhaa hajoor raviaa sabh thaaee hiradhai naam apaaraa ||
The Lord is ever-present, permeating and pervading all places; the Name of the Infinite Lord is enshrined within the heart.
juig juig bwxI sbid pCwxI nwau mITw mnih ipAwrw ]2]
jug jug baanee sabadh pashhaanee naao meethaa manehi piaaraa ||2||
Throughout the ages, through the Word of His Bani, His Shabad is realized, and the Name becomes so sweet and beloved to the mind. ||2||
siqguru syiv ijin nwmu pCwqw sPl jnmu jig AwieAw ]
sathigur saev jin naam pashhaathaa safal janam jag aaeiaa ||
Serving the Guru, one realizes the Naam, the Name of the Lord; fruitful is his life, and his coming into the world.
hir rsu cwiK sdw mnu iqRpiqAw gux gwvY guxI AGwieAw ]
aucwrx AGwieAw: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj
har ras chaakh sadhaa man thripathiaa gun gaavai gunee aghaaeiaa ||
Tasting the sublime elixir of the Lord, his mind is satisfied and satiated forever; singing the Glories of the Glorious Lord, he is fulfilled and satisfied.
kmlu pRgwis sdw rµig rwqw Anhd sbdu vjwieAw ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
kamal pragaas sadhaa rang raathaa anehadh sabadh vajaaeiaa ||
The lotus of his heart blossoms forth, he is ever imbued with the Lord's Love, and the unstruck melody of the Shabad resounds within him.
qnu mnu inrmlu inrml bwxI scy sic smwieAw ]3]
than man niramal niramal baanee sachae sach samaaeiaa ||3||
His body and mind become immaculately pure; his speech becomes immaculate as well, and he merges in the Truest of the True. ||3||
rwm nwm kI giq koie n bUJY gurmiq irdY smweI ]
aucwrx bU`JY
raam naam kee gath koe n boojhai guramath ridhai samaaee ||
No one knows the state of the Lord's Name; through the Guru's Teachings, it comes to abide in the heart.
gurmuiK hovY su mgu pCwxY hir ris rsn rsweI ]
guramukh hovai s mag pashhaanai har ras rasan rasaaee ||
One who becomes Gurmukh, understands the Path; his tongue savors the sublime essence of the Lord's Nectar.
jpu qpu sMjmu sBu gur qy hovY ihrdY nwmu vsweI ]
jap thap sanjam sabh gur thae hovai hiradhai naam vasaaee ||
Meditation, austere self-discipline and self-restraint are all obtained from the Guru; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to abide within the heart.
nwnk nwmu smwlih sy jn sohin dir swcY piq pweI ]4]7]
naanak naam samaalehi sae jan sohan dhar saachai path paaee ||4||7||
O Nanak, those humble beings who praise the Naam are beautiful; they are honored in the Court of the True Lord. ||4||7||