SGGSAng 106Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

sBy suK Bey pRB quTy ]

aucwrx s`By

sabhae sukh bheae prabh thuthae ||

All happiness comes, when God is pleased.

gur pUry ky crx min vuTy ]

gur poorae kae charan man vuthae ||

The Feet of the Perfect Guru dwell in my mind.

shj smwiD lgI ilv AMqir so rsu soeI jwxY jIau ]1]

sehaj samaadhh lagee liv anthar so ras soee jaanai jeeo ||1||

I am intuitively absorbed in the state of Samaadhi deep within. God alone knows this sweet pleasure. ||1||

Agm Agocru swihbu myrw ]

agam agochar saahib maeraa ||

My Lord and Master is Inaccessible and Unfathomable.

Gt Gt AMqir vrqY nyrw ]

ghatt ghatt anthar varathai naeraa ||

Deep within each and every heart, He dwells near and close at hand.

sdw Ailpqu jIAw kw dwqw ko ivrlw Awpu pCwxY jIau ]2]

aucwrx A-ilpqu

sadhaa alipath jeeaa kaa dhaathaa ko viralaa aap pashhaanai jeeo ||2||

He is always detached; He is the Giver of souls. How rare is that person who understands his own self. ||2||

pRB imlxY kI eyh nIswxI ]

prabh milanai kee eaeh neesaanee ||

This is the sign of union with God:

min ieko scw hukmu pCwxI ]

man eiko sachaa hukam pashhaanee ||

In the mind, the Command of the True Lord is recognized.

shij sµqoiK sdw iqRpqwsy Andu Ksm kY BwxY jIau ]3]

sehaj santhokh sadhaa thripathaasae anadh khasam kai bhaanai jeeo ||3||

Intuitive peace and poise, contentment, enduring satisfaction and bliss come through the Pleasure of the Master's Will. ||3||

hQI idqI pRiB dyvxhwrY ]

hathhee dhithee prabh dhaevanehaarai ||

God, the Great Giver, has given me His Hand.

jnm mrx rog siB invwry ]

janam maran rog sabh nivaarae ||

He has erased all the sickness of birth and death.

nwnk dws kIey pRiB Apuny hir kIrqin rMg mwxy jIau ]4]35]42]

naanak dhaas keeeae prabh apunae har keerathan rang maanae jeeo ||4||35||42||

O Nanak, those whom God has made His slaves, rejoice in the pleasure of singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. ||4||35||42||