mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
kInI dieAw gopwl gusweI ]
keenee dhaeiaa gopaal gusaaee ||
The Life of the World, the Sustainer of the Earth, has showered His Mercy;
gur ky crx vsy mn mwhI ]
gur kae charan vasae man maahee ||
The Guru's Feet have come to dwell within my mind.
AMgIkwru kIAw iqin krqY duK kw fyrw FwihAw jIau ]1]
angeekaar keeaa thin karathai dhukh kaa ddaeraa dtaahiaa jeeo ||1||
The Creator has made me His Own. He has destroyed the city of sorrow. ||1||
min qin visAw scw soeI ]
man than vasiaa sachaa soee ||
The True One abides within my mind and body;
ibKVw Qwnu n idsY koeI ]
bikharraa thhaan n dhisai koee ||
No place seems difficult to me now.
dUq dusmx siB sjx hoey eyko suAwmI AwihAw jIau ]2]
dhooth dhusaman sabh sajan hoeae eaeko suaamee aahiaa jeeo ||2||
All the evil-doers and enemies have now become my friends. I long only for my Lord and Master. ||2||
jo ikCu kry su Awpy AwpY ]
jo kishh karae s aapae aapai ||
Whatever He does, He does all by Himself.
buiD isAwxp ikCU n jwpY ]
budhh siaanap kishhoo n jaapai ||
No one can know His Ways.
AwpixAw sMqw no Awip shweI pRiB Brm Bulwvw lwihAw jIau ]3]
aapaniaa santhaa no aap sehaaee prabh bharam bhulaavaa laahiaa jeeo ||3||
He Himself is the Helper and Support of His Saints. God has cast out my doubts and delusions. ||3||
crx kml jn kw AwDwro ]
charan kamal jan kaa aadhhaaro ||
His Lotus Feet are the Support of His humble servants.
AwT phr rwm nwmu vwpwro ]
aath pehar raam naam vaapaaro ||
Twenty-four hours a day, they deal in the Name of the Lord.
shj Anµd gwvih gux goivMd pRB nwnk srb smwihAw jIau ]4]36]43]
sehaj anandh gaavehi gun govindh prabh naanak sarab samaahiaa jeeo ||4||36||43||
In peace and pleasure, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe. O Nanak, God is permeating everywhere. ||4||36||43||