SGGSAng 106Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

pwrbRhim pRiB myGu pTwieAw ]

paarabreham prabh maegh pathaaeiaa ||

The Supreme Lord God has unleashed the rain clouds.

jil Qil mhIAil dhidis vrswieAw ]

jal thhal meheeal dheh dhis varasaaeiaa ||

Over the sea and over the land-over all the earth's surface, in all directions, He has brought the rain.

sWiq BeI buJI sB iqRsnw Andu BieAw sB TweI jIau ]1]

aucwrx buJI: polw bolo

saanth bhee bujhee sabh thrisanaa anadh bhaeiaa sabh thaaee jeeo ||1||

Peace has come, and the thirst of all has been quenched; there is joy and ecstasy everywhere. ||1||

suKdwqw duK Bµjnhwrw ]

sukhadhaathaa dhukh bhanjanehaaraa ||

He is the Giver of Peace, the Destroyer of pain.

Awpy bKis kry jIA swrw ]

aapae bakhas karae jeea saaraa ||

He gives and forgives all beings.

Apny kIqy no Awip pRiqpwly pie pYrI iqsih mnweI jIau ]2]

aucwrx pRiq-pwly: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo

apanae keethae no aap prathipaalae pae pairee thisehi manaaee jeeo ||2||

He Himself nurtures and cherishes His Creation. I fall at His Feet and surrender to Him. ||2||

jw kI srix pieAw giq pweIAY ]

jaa kee saran paeiaa gath paaeeai ||

Seeking His Sanctuary, salvation is obtained.

swis swis hir nwmu iDAweIAY ]

saas saas har naam dhhiaaeeai ||

With each and every breath, I meditate on the Lord's Name.

iqsu ibnu horu n dUjw Twkuru sB iqsY kIAw jweI jIau ]3]

this bin hor n dhoojaa thaakur sabh thisai keeaa jaaee jeeo ||3||

Without Him, there is no other Lord and Master. All places belong to Him. ||3||

qyrw mwxu qwxu pRB qyrw ]

thaeraa maan thaan prabh thaeraa ||

Yours is the Honor, God, and Yours is the Power.

qUµ scw swihbu guxI ghyrw ]

thoon sachaa saahib gunee gehaeraa ||

You are the True Lord and Master, the Ocean of Excellence.

nwnku dwsu khY bynµqI AwT phr quDu iDAweI jIau ]4]34]41]

naanak dhaas kehai baenanthee aath pehar thudhh dhhiaaee jeeo ||4||34||41||

Servant Nanak utters this prayer: may I meditate on You twenty-four hours a day. ||4||34||41||